MAY 15, 2008 MINUTES
9 neighbors and 2 children were in attendance.
Roseanne opened the meeting at 7:15 with an announcement that there is a need for a Democratic Party co-captain to serve with Loren. Contact Loren or Pen.
The Welcome Brochure developed by Jenny was discussed. Roseanne has made a list of neighborhood business to approach for advertising in the Brochure and the Newsletter (expected to begin again in the fall and be published quarterly). It was also suggested that neighborhood businesses could donate as little as $10.00 and be listed in the Brochure. Advertising and donated funds would be used to pay printing costs. Extra funds might be used to enhance the hardscape at the community garden pocket park at 20th and Grove. The Brochure will be available to give to new neighbors and to be distributed in the fall to residents as well as posted and available at the pocket parks. Jenny will contact Off Campus Student Services Director Jennifer Corbalek about including the Brochure in the materials they distribute in the fall.
Plans for the community garden pocket park at 20th and Grove were passed around. The Garden committee is coordinating with Peter Rosato of the city Transportation Dept. to remove dying trees, install a new garden plot on the southeast corner, add gravel paths, and install a flagstone area on the north end connecting the stone benches and stone art. A kiosk will be built near the north end to post neighborhood information and an arch will welcome people into the pocket park. The construction schedule will be e-mailed by Roseanne. Suggestions for an artist to design the arch were taken including neighbor Doug West, known for his “found art”. Greg M. will contact him. The arch needs to be safe and sturdy to meet city and Growing Gardens criteria. It was suggested that the flagstone be arraigned in a spiral or labyrinth circle, this will be suggested to the crew.
The Neighborhood Yard sale is scheduled for August 16, after the students are back in town. Roseanne is coordinating this event. Details and final planning will be done at the July meeting. If you want to help contact Roseanne.
Terry Steinborn and Karl Eckinger took questions about graffiti and fireworks problems. Terry will coordinate with the CU restorative justice group in the fall to have trash ticket recipients from GG do their Buff Restoration trash pick up work in GG-- one trash ticket equals 1hr of trash pick up.
Police officer Keith Steinman talked about the crime report for the neighborhood. Burglaries, auto theft, hit & run auto accidents, party and alcohol tickets were among the issues in the report.
The next meeting will be in the 18th street pocket park on Sunday, July 20, from 5 – 8 p.m. It will be a barbeque pot luck dinner and meeting.
Respectfully submitted, Michele Bishop, Secretary