Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Walk the New SODA Project

This is short notice, but there is a South of Downtown SODA walk tomorrow July 22 4-7 p.m.
Here's the link with more info: This is the project that will turn 15th Street into a Main Street--walkable, bikable, shopping, etc is the way they are describing it.
Some of us are going to show up there at 4 p.m. to see what it's all about. Love to see you as well.
Goss-Grove Neighborhood Association

Friday, July 16, 2010

GGNA neighorhood meeting minutes for July 14, 2010

Goss-Grove Neighborhood Association

Minutes of July 14, 2010 meeting

Twelve neighbors gathered. Our co-chairs, Jerrie and Jon Hurd once again graciously hosted and fed us.
The minutes of the April 13, 2010, GGNA meeting were approved.
The revised bylaws were approved and will be posted on the blog site.

Bike program

Rich Points from Community Cycles presented his idea that the Goss-Grove neighborhood would be an ideal starting point for creating a car-free area in Boulder. He proposed to start with a PR campaign that maintains an attitude of pro-bike rather than anti-car. He agreed that this is a long-range (at least 4-5 years) project and needs to involve Naropa and CU students. We noted that permanent resident of Goss-Grove are already using bikes and public transportation more than their cars, but encouraged Rich to “dream” further. Marty Crigler agreed to be the liaison with Rich.

Parking permits

There are currently 340 resident permits, 440 visitor hangtags, and 34 commuter permits assigned to Goss-Grove’s NPP Zone. Up to four commuter permits are allowed per block. The problems neighbors are having with noisy and rude Boulder High students seem to be with those who park without a permit. No further action was recommended for the moment. Mary and other neighbors have met with the BHS principal about the problems, and will meet again with him in August.

Rezoning issues

Mary Hey recapped our last meeting with Jessica Vaughn and Louise Grauer of the City Planning Staff. Since then on May 25 Jerrie and Mary attended the City Council meeting. In preparation, Mary sent the 3/29/10 memo approved by GGNA and called Council members. The memo was well received. Before we can be considered for RMX-1 zoning, the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan (BCVP) land use designation must be changed to MXR. At the meeting the Council voted to include Goss-Grove as an area for Planning Staff specifically to study for possible redesignation.

The next event will be a Council Meeting on plans for SoDA currently planned for August 3rd, but the date may change. The Council’s next consideration of the changes in RH zoning is planned for September 7, but date may change. Prior to September 7, Jessica Vaughn and Louise Grauer are planning a walk-through of Goss-Grove that would include members of Council and Planning Board .

How would the proposed new RH2 zoning affect us?

-The new rules would allow continue to allow high-density development while lowering parking requirements for new development.

-Dorms, shelters, mobile homes, fraternities, sororities, restaurants, B&Bs, day shelters, and large convenience stores would still be allowed.

We are asking for RMX-1 because we want to protect the residential feel of our neighborhood, not have more density and more commercial. Goss-Grove clearly matches the definition of that zone. RMX-1 zoning would make it easier for single-family homes to be enlarged or built, which would help attract young families to Goss-Grove and increase neighborhood stability.

The co-chairs appointed Mary Hey to be GGNA representative with the city regarding the rezoning issues.

Community Garden

Michele Bishop and Jenny Devaud are overseeing the community garden. There is a “weedathon” once a month. Come even if for 15 minutes, the garden is a great way to meet your neighbors!

Yard Sale

The date of the yard sale will be Sunday, August 22nd, starting at 9:00 am. Stephen Haydel volunteered to coordinate the event and take care of advertising. There is a “to do” checklist that either Roseanne or Jerrie has. Michele will see whether we can get drinks donated, but we will not sell food.

Our blog

News and minutes are posted at The blog serves the neighbors as well as those who want to know more about GGNA. Send photos and stuff related to the neighborhood to Jenny Devaud for posting. Jenny and Jerrie are in charge of the blog.

CU future plans

The university has long-term expansion plans, not into our neighborhood but between the university and the south side of Arapahoe. Nevertheless their plans will have an impact on the neighborhood.

Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan 2010 Major Update

The City is convening focus group meetings to get feedback on draft revisions to the entire BVCP. Because this affects Goss-Grove and our efforts to rezone, we were asked to send a representative to participate those meetings. Jerrie will represent GGNA there.

Next meeting: Thursday, October 21. We will have elections at that meeting.

Respectfully submitted,

Maria Krenz, Secretary

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

This sounded like a sufficiently interesting idea that I invited Rich to our July 14 quarterly meeting and he is coming. Means we will have a full agenda (see below). Need everyone to come out. Have some gumbo. Talk about rezoning, Rich's idea for community cycles, changes in by-laws. This could be an important meeting.
July 14 (Wednesday) 6 p.m. 2010 Goss (Hurd House) with gumbo and great neighbors!
See you there.

My name is Rich Points, I'm the executive director of Community Cycles We're Boulders only non-profit community bike shop. We have a wide range of grass roots bicycle advocacy programs and activities. I'm writing to pitch an idea I've had for Goss/Grove for a long time which is to make it a car-free or car-lite neighborhood.

First a brief background. I moved to Boulder and Goss/Grove in 1998 to attend grad school at Naropa. I parked my truck and began biking and walking everywhere I went, within a year I was car-free. Since then I've benefited in many ways by getting around primarily by bike. I lived in several apartments over five years and now live in north Boulder. Since then I've increasingly worked to help more people reap the benefits of a bicycle based lifestyle. My time living in Goss/Grove was seminal and I know it has been for others too, I think it has the potential to reach even more people.

The idea of creating a car-free cul-de-sac in Boulder has been with me for a long time and Goss/Grove seems like an ideal starting point. Here is a brief overview of what I have in mind:
  • Make connections with housing coordinators at Naropa and CU to funnel interested students into Goss/Grove.
  • Start with a PR campaign to say that we're creating a bike-centric Goss/Grove. Housing coordinators, Press releases, fliers, websites, outreach, word of mouth...
  • Create ties with orgs like Boulder Car Share, Community Cycles, Naropa bike shack, CU bike station, student groups, city of Boulder...
  • Open air bike repair station near community garden.
  • Maintain a tone of pro-bike as opposed to anti-car.
The first three years would follow this simple formula to see if there's an interest from the community. Over that time we can explore ways to improve bicycle infrastructure both in and around the neighborhood. I could say more but in the interest of brevity I'll stop here.

For a long time it's been nothing but an idea, I'd like to set it into motion. I realize this might seem invasive coming in with this big idea when I don't currently live there. So I wanted to pitch this to you and hear your thoughts and concerns first.

I'd like to propose a partnership with Community Cycles and the Goss/Grove Neighborhood Association to work on developing and executing this campaign. If it is something you're interested in I'd like to create a new Community Cycles program and devote resources to make it happen.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Ride On!
Rich Points
Community Cycles Executive Director
720-565-6019 (W)
303-589-0597 (C)
Donate your old car to Community Cycles
Volunteer orientations are held 6p.m. on the 4th Tuesday of each month.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Community Garden Clean-up July 8th, 6 - 8 p.m.

Please come out and enjoy time with your neighbors and friends while beautifying our Community Park and Garden flower beds.  As it is hot out during the day, we'll meet at 6 p.m. and work until we're done, usually well before the scheduled 8 p.m. ending time.  If you can only make it for 15 minutes, we still appreciate seeing you!  Community gardeners, this work is so appreciated and goes towards your required four hours of working for the community good.  Thanks in advance!  Jenny, 1935 Grove St, plot 12