Welcome to our neighborhood blog! If you live here, you are lucky! We are students, professionals of all stripes, entrepreneurs, families, singles, gardeners, athletes, renters, home owners, young and old! We live next to the best parts of Boulder: McGuckin's, Farmers' Market, the Pearl Street Mall, CU, Naropa and more. We have our own community garden and two other pocket parks for lazing away a summers afternoon. Join the conversation @ gossgrove.nextdoor.com
Monday, August 16, 2010
Yard Sale Cancelled
Due to lack of interest, the yard sale for this year is cancelled. In order to really call it a neighborhood event, we would need to have at least five families who would like to participate. Maybe next year!
Saturday, August 14, 2010
We Have Neighbors In Fringe Festival--Check IT OUT!
Pickpocket Theatre presents MOXIE at the 2010 Boulder International Fringe Festival.
Written by Teresa Sparks (23rd and Goss) and Alana Eve Burman (16th and Grove).
Starring Alana Eve Burman.

We open Thursday the 19th of August! Get your tickets now (by clicking on the posing Alana, above)!
A silent movie. A newsreel. An office farce. Don’t miss the show our mothers are calling “adorable” and our fathers tell us is “historically inaccurate.” Quick, hilarious and immaculately rehearsed, Moxie will answer all of your questions, provided those questions are “Does Edward R. Murrow approve of Howdy Doody’s divorce?” and “Should pinup girls know aikido?” and “Is oracular rochambeau a viable decision-making process?” Whew! Fame is a rough town.
$15 general admission
$12 student/senior
The 19th and 25th are 2-for-1 nights, so bring a friend!
8/19 6:00 PM*
8/20 7:30 PM
8/21 6:00 PM
8/25 6:00 PM*
8/26 8:30 PM
8/28 7:00 PM
* nights are 2-for-1
Playing at the Boulder Museum of Contemporary Art (BMoCA), 1750 13th St., Boulder, CO.
Tickets for Moxie are available at the door, or in advance at http://boulderfringe.com/2010festival/program-details.aspx?id=25
Teresa and Alana
Written by Teresa Sparks (23rd and Goss) and Alana Eve Burman (16th and Grove).
Starring Alana Eve Burman.
We open Thursday the 19th of August! Get your tickets now (by clicking on the posing Alana, above)!
A silent movie. A newsreel. An office farce. Don’t miss the show our mothers are calling “adorable” and our fathers tell us is “historically inaccurate.” Quick, hilarious and immaculately rehearsed, Moxie will answer all of your questions, provided those questions are “Does Edward R. Murrow approve of Howdy Doody’s divorce?” and “Should pinup girls know aikido?” and “Is oracular rochambeau a viable decision-making process?” Whew! Fame is a rough town.
$15 general admission
$12 student/senior
The 19th and 25th are 2-for-1 nights, so bring a friend!
8/19 6:00 PM*
8/20 7:30 PM
8/21 6:00 PM
8/25 6:00 PM*
8/26 8:30 PM
8/28 7:00 PM
* nights are 2-for-1
Playing at the Boulder Museum of Contemporary Art (BMoCA), 1750 13th St., Boulder, CO.
Tickets for Moxie are available at the door, or in advance at http://boulderfringe.com/
Teresa and Alana
Friday, August 13, 2010
Program Council Says Working on Noise!

August 9, 2010
Dear Boulder Community Members:
The University of Colorado at Boulder will be hosting its annual New Student Welcome festivities on August 19-22nd, 2010. These activities are CU's way to welcome new students to the University and to Boulder. As a part of the weekend, Program Council will be hosting a concert on Farrand Field on Saturday August 21st starting at 6:30pm. The performance will run no later than 10:30pm. Additionally, sound check will begin around 2:00pm with some intermittent sound during the afternoon.
In the fall of 2008 the University received feedback regarding sound levels in the community from the two outdoor concerts held on Farrand Field. Since the first concert, CU has been working to address the issues raised to ultimately reduce the impact these concerts have on our Boulder neighbors. In the summer of 2009 a "sound test" took place to see if the sound equipment could be reconfigured and therefore more contained within the field, and the reconfiguration did significantly decrease the sounds levels projected to the neighborhoods that had been impacted last fall. During the 2009 concert, the University only received one sound complaint, and sound was much better managed because of the sound test. This year we will be using the same methods to manage the sound beyond the field.
For the August 21st concert, Program Council will be working in close association with the CU Police Department and the City of Boulder's Environmental and Zoning Enforcement Office to manage this event. We will ensure that the sound does not exceed the campus policy of 85 decibels at the edge of campus. We will be taking continual decibel level readings throughout the evening. The levels will be recorded to ensure that we are within appropriate sound levels.
On the evening of August 21st, if you feel overly impacted by the sound, please direct your calls to 303-492-7704. Finally, if you have any concerns or questions about this letter, please feel free to contact the Program Council office at (303) 492-7704.
It is CU's hope to provide concerts like these in order to keep students engaged in activities on campus, while also balancing this goal with the needs of our neighborhoods. This is especially important during this first weekend as we welcome the Class of 2015 to campus. For a complete listing of all New Student Welcome events, please visit http://www.colorado.edu/
Thank you,
Justin Greenstein Deb Coffin
Program Council Student Director Associate Vice-Chancellor of Student Affairs
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Goss-Grove Neighborhood Association By-Laws
The Goss-Grove Neighborhood Association (hereafter the Association) is established by the residents of the Goss-Grove Neighborhood in order to promote the common interests and welfare of the neighborhood and its residents. The Association’s areas of concern shall include but are not limited to matters affecting the quality of life in the neighborhood and the larger community.
The boundaries of the Association are as follows: One-half block south of Canyon Boulevard on the North (but not including within the boundary either side of Canyon), Arapahoe Avenue on the South (including within the boundary the north side of Arapahoe but not the south), 23rd Street on the East (including both sides of 23rd street), and Fifteenth Street on the West (including both sides of Fifteenth Street).
Changes in boundaries are subject to the approval of the Association.
Membership is open to all residents within the boundaries of the Association.
Membership is open to all property owners, business licensees, and non-profit organizations within the boundaries of the Association. In addition, Boulder High School may designate one representative to be a member of the Association.
All resident members of the Association who are eighteen years and older are entitled to vote on all matters. All non-resident members shall have one vote per organization on all matters. However, there shall be only one vote per person, so that resident members who also own businesses or additional property within the neighborhood shall not be allowed to vote more than once. It shall not be a requirement that the Boulder High School representative member be over eighteen in order to vote.
No proxies shall be taken.
Voting shall generally be by voice vote, but may be by secret ballot upon request of any member prior to the vote.
The Officers of the Association shall be a chair or two Co-Chairs, a Secretary, and a Treasurer. The officers shall preside over all meetings, planning sessions, and activities of the Association. All officers must reside within the Association boundaries.
The duties of the officers shall include but not be limited to the following:
Chair or Co-Chairs: Preside over and facilitate all meetings and activities. The Chair/Co-Chairs shall be the official spokespersons for the Association. The Chair/Co-Chairs may designate other members to facilitate meetings and act as spokespersons. The Chair/Co-Chairs may act on behalf of the Association on ministerial matters as may be necessary in between membership meetings.
Secretary: Keep minutes of all Association meetings; notify members of meetings and other Association activities.
Treasurer: Maintain the financial records of the Association.
Officers shall be elected annually in October. No officer shall serve for more than three consecutive terms. Elections to fill vacant positions shall occur whenever a vacancy exists.
Committees to address specific concerns, issues, or events may be established as necessary. All committees shall have Chairs.
General meetings of the membership shall be held not less than quarterly, usually in January, April, July, and October. All members shall be notified of upcoming meetings by written notice at least two weeks prior to such meetings. Additional meetings may be called by the Chair/Co-Chairs as necessary, so long as two weeks notice and an agenda are provided to all members.
All decisions must be reached by a majority vote. A quorum is reached when two officers are present and attendance of voting members is greater than 50% of the average voting member attendance of the last two general meetings.
The Association shall seek contributions and grants, and engage in other fundraising activities as needed. Membership dues are not required. Decisions concerning basic operating expenses shall be made by consensus of the Officers. Any expenditure over $100 shall be approved by the voting membership.
Any amendments to these By-Laws must be approved by two thirds of a quorum at any regular or special meeting.
The Association may dissolve itself by the membership voting to do so.
The Bylaws are adopted by the following vote of those present on this 14th day of _July_, 2010
Signed:___Jerrie and Jon Hurd_______________________________________
Acting Co-Chairs
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