Welcome to our neighborhood blog! If you live here, you are lucky! We are students, professionals of all stripes, entrepreneurs, families, singles, gardeners, athletes, renters, home owners, young and old! We live next to the best parts of Boulder: McGuckin's, Farmers' Market, the Pearl Street Mall, CU, Naropa and more. We have our own community garden and two other pocket parks for lazing away a summers afternoon. Join the conversation @ gossgrove.nextdoor.com
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Beautiful Community Garden and Park
Monday, September 27, 2010
We Have Neighbor in Open Studios
Jerrie Hurd’s Homo Sapiens Unadorned
An Open Studio/ #66 of Boulder’s Open Studios
When: October 2,3 and October 9,10 --Noon to 6 p.m. each day
Where: 2010 Goss Street, Boulder—follow signs to studio in back
Directions: From Canyon in downtown Boulder, turn south on 21st Street. A block later, 21st Street turns and becomes Goss Street. You are looking for little yellow house with big-big house numbers 2010.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
New Snow Removal Info From City

Following up from the April Weekly Information Packet (WIP) item on sidewalk snow removal, http://www.bouldercolorado.gov/files/City%20Council/WIPS/2010/Apr_8/2B.doc
issues and opportunities were explored further. Some changes are proposed as a result that impact both city practices and regulations. Both are discussed in a Sept. 21 Council memo:
Any code change requires two readings by the City Council. First reading is Sept. 21. Staff will follow up on questions identified at first reading. The public hearing and second reading are currently scheduled for Oct. 5.
We welcome comments from the Goss Grove neighborhood about this proposal. The proposed ordinance:
· clarifies that the requirement for prior notification is specific to abatement and not required prior to issuance of a summons,
· more clearly defines that the minimum notification required prior to abatement is one notice per snow season,
· revises the cutoff for the end of a snowfall from midnight to 5 a.m. to eliminate the extended grace period currently allowed for snows ending after midnight,
· clarifies that enforcement action can be in the form of a summons, abatement, or both, and
· increases the administrative fee for abatement cases from $25 to $50 to more accurately reflect city costs.
Feedback from you and your neighbors, as always, will be appreciated. Please also know that outreach efforts are expected to be significant with implementation.
Mo Rait
City of Boulder
Public Works Department
(303) 441-3227
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Meetings October 13 AND 21 Both Important!
- Introductions
- Questions and Answers
- Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan (BVCP) process for land use designation changes
- The preliminary CU Master Plan for area between Arapahoe and Boulder Creek
- Naropa future plans
- Three options for possible land use designation change in the Goss-Grove neighborhood (over)
Three Preliminary Options for a Land Use Designation Change to Mixed Density Residential
Monday, September 20, 2010

A photo collage featuring the Goss-Grove Community Gardens will be part of the Grand Opening of the CU Art Museum and new Visual Arts Complex, September 24. The gardens, of course, are a distinguishing feature of our neighborhood, thanks to the continued efforts of Jenny Devaud, Michelle Bishop and others.
The collage by Jerrie Hurd will be part of a larger instillation on one wall of the complex.
Grand Opening will begin at noon with tours of the new building. Performances will begin at 3 p.m. Reception with music on the plaza starts at 4:30 p.m.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Free Bike Clinic Successful!!

Rich Points an

At the same time, Michelle Bishop and others from the neighborhood handed out free lemonade, tea and fliers about Goss-Grove. It was a cooperative effort that benefited all. Thanks goes to Rich and Community Cycles for suggesting the event. Big thanks to Michelle for making the fliers and setting up the neighborhood booth.
Thursday, September 2, 2010

Community Cycles Rolling Bike Clinic coming to Goss Grove
Saturday Sept 18, Noon - 4p.m.
West side of Snow Lion Apts
Rolling Bike Clinics (RBCs) are bicycle powered mobile bike shops designed to fix broken bikes in neighborhoods in Boulder.
Volunteer bike mechanics load our large capacity bike trailers with all the tools and parts needed for a mobile bike shop. We then ride to a neighborhood, set up shop and fix bikes for a day.
This is compliments of Rich Points. Some of you will remember him from our last Goss-Grove Neighborhood meeting.
Support him.
Thank him.
Get your bike fixed.
Check out Community Cycles http://CommunityCycles.org