Thursday, December 16, 2010

Neighborhood Meeting Date changed from January 13 to January 20th

We changed the January neighborhood meeting date to accomodate Sarah,  a web designer who has been working on rejuvenating/refreshing/redoing out web site. Jerrie and Jenny met with her recently and we are excited to have her present her ideas and what she has done so far for your review and feedback.  Location has not yet been decided..more information to come.

Monday, December 13, 2010

We're Going Hyperlocal!!!

Sarah McClain is building a Goss-Grove hyperlocal website as a prototype.

Jenny Devaud and I saw the first work up and it was impressive. She will be presenting more developed version at our January 20 neighborhood meeting. You don't want to miss it.

It includes a feed from the police department and fire department so that you'll be able to follow what is happening almost as it's happening. A real estate feed, a Flickr feed, all city notices that include Goss-Grove in them. A feed from our blog, history, profiles . . .


1. Label all your Flickr photos taken in the neighborhood with "Goss-Grove".

2. Send me ( the URL's for all your blogs so that we can create a neighborhood blogroll.

3. Come to the January 20 meeting and see what this is all about. Usual time 6 p.m. We are arranging a place where she can project the website onto a wall.