Welcome to our neighborhood blog! If you live here, you are lucky! We are students, professionals of all stripes, entrepreneurs, families, singles, gardeners, athletes, renters, home owners, young and old! We live next to the best parts of Boulder: McGuckin's, Farmers' Market, the Pearl Street Mall, CU, Naropa and more. We have our own community garden and two other pocket parks for lazing away a summers afternoon. Join the conversation @ gossgrove.nextdoor.com
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Join us in the Garden!
Event in Our Neighborhood
1st Annual Boulder Red Tent Bazaar!
Saturday, April 9th 8am to 3pm.
16th Street, between Canyon and Arapahoe
Join the women of the Boulder Red Tent as as they sell their wares and celebrate Spring on a beautiful April Day (Snow Day April 16th, same times).
Festivities include
- A fantastic yard sale with really “great” goddessy and practical goods, and hand-made things like salves, baked goods, and crafts
- Bodywork and Tarot readings in the Tent
- Music by Djs Vonobo and Nadi
- A raffle (including prizes from We’moon, Gladrags, and local healers)
- A tea party with Raw treats in the garden.
Bring a friend, have a picnic, and make a day of it. We are located 2 blocks from the Boulder Farmer’s Market, which will be open. 16th Street, between Canyon and Arapahoe. All proceeds go to support the Boulder Red Tent.
If you would like to donate things you are letting go of, items can be dropped by the tent on the evening of April 8th, from 6:30 to 8:00. If you want to donate but cannot make that time, email Kelly at tofollowyourbliss@hotmail.
The Boulder Red Tent is a permanent sanctuary and retreat space in downtown Boulder that is run collectively. Members can attend all events (workshops, crafting days, moon ceremonies). Women exchange services (like massage and meals) to make all our lives easier. The space is open for members to go for unwinding and re-connecting to self all the time. Monthly Open Tents are held for the whole community.
The women of the Boulder Red Tent Collective, have joined together to celebrate and honor the cycles and rhythms of our bodies, particularly our bleeding time. Together, through creating this sacred space, we are reclaiming women’s culture and community.
To learn more about the Boulder Red Tent, please visit our Facebook Page.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
This Needs Eyeballs

2010 Major Update to the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan (BVCP)
Draft Plan to be released in early April
City Council will discuss draft policies and revisions to the BVCP Area III- Planning Reserve at a study session tonight, Tuesday, March 29. The Study Session packet is available for review at www.bouldervalleycompplan.net.
BVCP Study Session
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
7 to 9 p.m.
City Council Chambers
1777 Broadway, 2nd Floor
Following the study session, a draft plan will be released for public review on Tuesday, April 5, 2011. The draft plan will be available on the BVCP website. The public is encouraged to provide input on the draft plan; feedback will be collected via:
- Email - Comments to BVCP@bouldercolorado.gov;
- Open House - the week of April 11 (details to follow soon);
- Comment form - on the BVCP website; and
- Public comment - at the May 24 joint City Council and Planning Board public hearing.
All comments received by Tuesday, April 26, 2011 will be included with the materials presented at the joint City Council and Planning Board public hearing on Tuesday, May 24.
For more information about the 2010 Update to the BVCP, visit www.bouldervalleycompplan.net or contact Chris Meschuk at 303-441-4293.
This has to do with the rezoning issue that we've all been working on. That means we need to pay attention and make sure we check and approve and/or comment on this draft and process. This will be on the agenda for the April 13--our usual quarterly meeting. Mark your calendars for both.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Talented Neighbor Johannah Reimer
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Maria Krenz Featured in Coloradan Magazine