Minutes of October 20, 2011 meeting
Six neighbors met at the home of co-chairs, Jerrie and Jon Hurd.
The meeting was called to order at 6:15 pm and the minutes of the July meeting were approved.
The Treasurer’s report was read and accepted. We have $633.10, but Jan Burch may submit additional expenses related to the street mural. Also, there will be future expenses associated with retouching the mural once a year.
Zoning: We succeeded last summer in getting the land use designation for a large part of Goss-Grove changed to MXR (mixed-density residential), a necessary step to changing zoning. Now we need to work to change the zoning from high-density to medium density, i.e., from the current RH-2 to RMX-1. (A pdf of the map of the possible RMX-1 zone is available, please email jenny.devaud@yahoo.com if you would like a copy.) To see a comparison between RH-2 and RMX-1 zones, see pages 11-13 of http://www.bouldercolorado.gov/files/1.21.10_RH_2_Zone__Districts_final_memo.pdf
On October 26th the City will send a mailing to all property owners in Goss-Grove’s newly designated MXR land use area, inviting us to an informational hearing. That hearing is scheduled to occur November 16th or 17th (the postcard you get will have that information).
A Planning Board meeting to discuss the zoning changes is tentatively scheduled for December 15. City Council will likely make its final decision sometime in February.
Both the City Council and the Planning Board approved the MXR land use designation change unanimously. Now that the decision is about zoning, we expect more opposition. We will need large neighborhood participation in the upcoming meetings.New Officers:
Michele Bishop was unanimously elected Secretary.
Jerrie Hurd was unanimously elected Treasurer, and head of communications.
Mary Hey and Maria Krenz were unanimously elected Co-Chairs
We applauded Jon and Jerrie Hurd for their extraordinary leadership as co-chairs and thanked them with a gift certificate.
Other Business:
Jenny Devaud volunteered to recreate the pamphlet about the neighborhood to hand out to new neighbors.