Sunday, November 27, 2011

Garden Repairs--Be there!!!

Thanks to those who have committed to working on the repairs to the garden beds. Also I noticed today that some have shoveled the dirt away from the damaged timbers in the plots to help with the repairs, thanks.
My inventory indicates that mostly top timbers will need to be replaced, some will need both top and base timbers replaced.
I will order the timbers and have them delivered on Friday. Let's get together for a work party on Saturday about 10 am.
We will need sledge hammers, drill with 1" hole bit, maybe circular saw, pry bars, and possibly drivers. Bring gloves. I'll bring some refreshments.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Important Info

I posted the letter that was sent to homeowners in Goss-Grove about the zoning change. It's a little hard to read and it DOES apply to renters. We know some of our members are long-time residents in area but rent and so may not have gotten the letter. You can still attend the meeting and express an opinion. In fact, renters add to the mix and seem to impress people with their commitment to the neighborhood. You don't have to own to care!!!
There will be a public meeting 5-7 p.m. Thursday, December 1 at the West Boulder Senior Center. This is the time and place for city staff to answer questions. It's also a time and place for us to express support and come out in numbers that show we care about what happens in our neighborhood. See you there!

The Letter on Zoning Arrived! Put December 1 On Calendar