Welcome to our neighborhood blog! If you live here, you are lucky! We are students, professionals of all stripes, entrepreneurs, families, singles, gardeners, athletes, renters, home owners, young and old! We live next to the best parts of Boulder: McGuckin's, Farmers' Market, the Pearl Street Mall, CU, Naropa and more. We have our own community garden and two other pocket parks for lazing away a summers afternoon. Join the conversation @ gossgrove.nextdoor.com
Friday, January 27, 2012
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Minutes from Quarterly Meeting January 20, 2012
GGNA Minutes January 19, 2012
The first meeting of 2012 was convened at 7:10 by co-chair Maria. Twelve neighbors were in attendance for this dessert pot luck. The minutes of the October 2011 meeting were approved.
Zoning: The major topic of this meeting was the next step in the process to adjust the zoning designation of much of the neighborhood to coordinate with the land-use designation approved by the City last year (the map is posted on the Goss-Grove bloggspot, zoning codes can be found at http://www.bouldercolorado.gov/files/1.21.10_RH_2_Zone__Districts_final_memo.pdf).
Co-chair Mary, summarized the current status of the process and talked about inputs from residents, property owners, and city staff.
The need to understand the meaning of the zoning designations and any possible unintended consequences prompted a lengthy discussion. Neighbors agreed that we are more like the Whittier neighborhood then anything else and that the MRX-1 zone is the most appropriate zoning for the housing mix that is characteristic of the neighborhood.
There will be a “walk through” sometime in February where city planning staff and members of the Planning Board will familiarize themselves with the neighborhood. Several neighbors volunteered to join the walk and to be on hand to answer questions they might have.
It was emphasized that participation in all meetings and public hearings that will precede this decision is very important. A decision may come as early as February.
Please check often for news and zoning meeting schedules.
Sidewalk Liability: Remember that property owners are responsible for the public sidewalks adjacent to their property. In addition to prompt removal of snow and ice by the property owner please report any obstacles and tripping hazards to the city at ????? . The city will take care of grinding uneven sidewalk tripping hazards or resetting sections of sidewalk that have heaved and broken.
Sustainable Neighborhoods Program: Maria is the GGNA representative to this city group. Their next meeting is in March.
Community Garden: The community garden in the 20th Street pocket park will be co-lead again this year by Jenny and Michele. Repairs to some of the raised beds were accomplished in December by volunteers from the neighborhood and gardeners with support from Growing Gardens (who administers the garden) and the City of Boulder Transportation Department (who supervises our three pocket parks). Available plots will be distributed in February. Contact www.growinggardens.org early to get on the waiting list.
Other issues for 2011: Jenny is looking into producing a newsletter with possible funding from the Sustainable Neighborhoods Program. Michele will be joined by Cynthia and Susan to keep up the 18th Street pocket park. Naropa and the Snow Lyon will be contacted again for possible care of the 19th Street pocket park. Naropa students spent some of their community time at a Saturday park maintenance day last fall with neighbors.
The next regular meeting is scheduled for April 19, 2012.
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Quarterly Meeting Agenda! Don't Miss Meeting Thursday

On December 15th the Planning Board asked planning staff to study Goss-Grove
again and recommend how it should be rezoned. In the end, staff will
recommend either RMX-1 zoning, or they will say to tweak RMX-1 to reflect
concerns raised by the board, Council, and other citizens. Those concerns
are things like density, architecture, accessory dwelling units, and
nonconforming uses.
In short, they're seriously thinking about creating a new zoning category,
so we need to perk up. We need to revisit our vision for the neighborhood,
and not let it get away from us. Decisions begin in February, and we need
to get ready to stand up for what we want.
Here's the agenda for the Thursday meeting:
1. Approve minutes of October 2011 meeting
2. Talk about the next step in zoning change for Goss-Grove
3. Discuss property owners¹ liability for sidewalks
4. Report on the City¹s Sustainable Neighborhoods Program
5. Community gardens gearing up?
6. Talk about neighborhood issues to focus on for 2012
7. Next meeting: 7:00 April 19th, 1919 Grove Street, potluck dessert