Sunday, April 29, 2012

Show up for your neighborhood May 3!

It's been a long long road, a required road, to ensuring our neighborhood maintains its quirky, neighborhood-y character.  We are at the tail end now, and it's important to keep focus for another meeting.. with only one more to go.  Here's the scoop. 
The Planning Board Meeting on May 3 will be in council chambers on May 3. .  The board's agenda includes making a recommendation to City Council about whether or not to give Goss-Grove RMX-1 zoning. The meeting starts at 6:00, and we are #2 on the agenda (Jessica thinks #1 might take about an hour). The meeting is in the City Council chambers in the Municipal Building, second floor. It's a public hearing, so we can sign up to speak. Showing up is important, even if one doesn't want to speak!
The Planning Board meeting packet for May 3 is available at You can download their materials by clicking on "Meeting Packet" near the top of the first page. Our item is 5B. It includes staff recommendations and letters from opponents to RMX-1 for Goss-Grove, as well as neighbor comments. Your cochairs sent in another letter, with prior memos and arguments for RMX-1 attached. Jessica promised me Planning Board would get that as well.

  After this meeting the next step is City Council in June, where the FINAL decision will be made.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

As Promised

Here are the edited minutes for your approval.

Goss-Grove Neighborhood Association Minutes from January 19, 2012

The first meeting of 2012 was convened at 7:10 by GGNA co-chair Maria Krenz. Twelve neighbors were in attendance for this dessert potluck. The minutes of the October 2011 meeting were approved.

Zoning: The major topic of this meeting was the next step in changing the zoning designation of much of our neighborhood to coordinate with the land-use designation approved by the City last year. Essentially, what’s being considered is a shift from high-density zoning to “mixed” (in effect, medium) density. A map of the area in question can be found at To learn about considerations behind rezoning Goss-Grove and differences between our current zoning and possible new zoning, please Google Boulder Planning Board January 21 2010 (no quotation marks).

Co-chair Mary Hey summarized where we are in the process and talked about various inputs from residents, property owners, and city staff.

The need to understand the zoning designations and their various ramifications prompted a lengthy discussion. Neighbors agreed that we are more like the Whittier neighborhood then any other zone and thus RMX-1 is the most appropriate zoning for the housing mix of Goss-Grove.

There will be a “walk through” sometime in February where city planning staff and other interested people to look specifically at the zone as it is now drawn. Several neighbors volunteered to join the walk and to be on hand to answer questions they might have.

It was emphasized that participation in all meetings and public hearings that will precede this decision is very important. A decision may come as early as February.

Please check often for news and zoning meeting schedules.

Sidewalk Liability: Remember that property owners are responsible for the public sidewalks adjacent to their property. That means prompt removal of snow and ice by the property owner, but also alerting the city about vertically lifted sidewalks. Contact James Smith in the Public Works Department at 303.441.1838 if you see a sidewalk hazard. The city will either grind the uneven sidewalk or alert the homeowner that the sidewalk must be replaced.

Sustainable Neighborhoods Program: Maria is the GGNA representative to this city group. Their next meeting is in March.

Community Garden: The community garden in the 20th Street pocket park will be co-led again this year by Jenny and Michele. Repairs to some of the raised beds were accomplished in December by volunteers from the neighborhood and gardeners, with support from Growing Gardens (who administers the garden) and the City of Boulder Transportation Department (who supervises our three pocket parks). Available plots will be distributed in February. Contact early to get on the waiting list.

Other issues for 2012: Jenny is looking into producing a newsletter with possible funding from the Sustainable Neighborhoods Program. Michele will be joined by Cynthia and Susan to keep up the 18th Street pocket park. Naropa and the Snow Lion will be contacted again for possible care of the 19th Street pocket park. Naropa students spent some of their community-service time at a Saturday park maintenance day last fall with neighbors.

The next regular meeting is scheduled for Thursday, April 19, 2012.

Minutes submitted by Michele Bishop, GGNA Secretary

Monday, April 16, 2012

Quarterly Meeting THIS Thursday!!!!!


Agenda for 4/19/12 GGNA Meeting

This is the regular quarterly meeting of Goss-Grove

1. Agenda review

2. Approve minutes of January 2012 meeting (please read revised minutes--which will appear in your email tomorrow)

3. Report on March 13th neighborhood walkthrough

4. Review what happened yesterday (4/18) at public meeting re rezoning

5. Plan next steps for rezoning:

Planning Board Meeting, May 3

City Council Meeting, June

6. Community gardens report

7. Co-chair announcements

8. Neighborhood issues to focus on for 2012

9. Other issues?

10. Next meeting: 7:00 July 19th, 1919 Grove Street, potluck dessert

Sunday, April 15, 2012

City Meeting--Most Important

Remember, remember, remember------Let's not fall down NOW!

City is hosting a public meeting Wednesday (this Wednesday) April 18 5-6:30 p.m. about rezoning our neighborhood. It will be at the Municipal Building (Canyon and Broadway).

If only nay-sayers show up, that would be most definitely bad! So even if you feel well-informed on this issue, we need to you come and make your feelings on the issue heard. GOOD NEWS: because it's informational, it will start on time and you don't have to stay the whole time. Just come and get counted.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Meeting, Meeting, Meeting!!!!! All Important!!!!

LISTEN UP! Nobody likes endless meetings but these three are important to bring home the rezoning project---we're so close.

Wednesday, April 18, 5:00 - 6:30, Municipal Bldg. lobby: Public meeting on
the proposed rezoning of part of Goss-Grove

(This one is informational--most of us already know the details but we need to show up anyway. If people opposed to the rezoning are the only ones there--we're in trouble. You need to come to be counted. Thanks)

Thursday, April 19, 7:00 p.m., 1919 Grove Street: GGNA quarterly meeting.
Dessert provided

(This one's the regular quarterly neighborhood meeting. Besides dessert--business will include final plans for meeting with city council to push this rezoning onward and upward to completetion)

Thursday, May 3, 6:00 p.m., City Council chambers: Planning Board meeting to
consider recommendation to rezone a portion of Goss-Grove to RMX-1

(The Big Daddy Meeting--everyone needs to come and be counted!!!!!!! No excuses.)