Saturday, March 30, 2013

Soliciting Feedback on proposed Coffee Shop

Hello Neighbors,  Public comment is being collected on the proposed coffee shop at 19th and Araphahoe, which is before our next meeting on April 8th.

Stephen and I, as co-chairs, are interested to hear your comments and concerns. All of you should have gotten mail on the proposed coffee shop plans.  The original plans called for a small coffee shop, closing at 9 p.m. The proposal on the table now is for a larger coffee shop, closing at 11 p.m and having more events. There are only 8 parking spots in the proposal.  In 2012, when the coffee shop plan shifted from to a larger space and longer hours, the response of the neighborhood was to show great concern about parking availability, while also generally liking the idea of a coffee shop in the neighborhood.

The 2012 letter from the neighborhood is below for your reference.  I think the real question is whether the parking concerns are a deal breaker as far as the neighborhood goes. Obviously, the parking situation affects those of us living near 19th and Grove (with no offstreet parking) the most.  I think Mary and Maria's letter does reasonably represent the reality of the parking situation if no additional parking spaces are provided.

Send  me your opinions, including your name and address (or at least block you live on, if you don't want to give your address).  Thanks!

Jenny  (


Mary Hey and Maria Krenz, as co-chairs of the GGNA submitted this letter, July,2012.

City of Boulder Planning and Development Services
1739 Broadway
Boulder, CO 80302
RE: Use Review, 1852 Arapahoe Coffee Shop Expansion

                                                                                                July 5, 2012

The Goss-Grove Neighborhood Association learned of the proposed new coffee shop at 1852 Arapahoe last spring, and neighbors responded favorably.  We had some concern about the requested 30 percent parking reduction (the “worst case scenario” on which staff based its analysis of the project) but, given the size of the shop and the operating hours, it seemed acceptable. As we understand it, Planning Board unanimously approved the original application on April 5, 2012, but subject to the conditions drawn up by staff (“Recommended Conditions of Approval”).

Staff’s June 18, 2012, Use Review notice describes what seems like a different project.  Rather than 6 am to 9 pm hours of operation, now it’s 6 am to 11 pm.  The 1,445 square feet of the shop (and presumably the number of seats) has grown by over 55 percent.  Yet the same 8 parking spaces are being requested, increasing the suggested parking reduction to a whopping 75 percent.  The new proposal fails to comply with at least two of the conditions specifically assumed by planning staff in its support of the project.

The new coffee shop will lie smack in the middle of Boulder, and clearly much of the traffic it attracts will be pedestrians and bikers.  But some of the roughly 200 visitors expected per diem will drive, and 8 spaces is simply inadequate.  Any assumption that the 16 on-street parking spaces along 19th Street will help offset the requested parking reduction is fantasy – those spots are almost always filled by adjacent residents, CU students, and Boulder High students. A 75 percent parking reduction is flat-out unreasonable.

We like the idea of a coffee shop.  Goss-Grove will benefit from having one at 19th & Arapahoe, and it will be great to see the current building improved.  We are not opposed, but parking has been a perennial problem for our neighborhood. The parking assumptions built into the current Use Review are not believable, and we object to inviting yet more cars to spill into our neighborhood.

                                                                                    Mary Hey & Maria Krenz
                                                                        Goss-Grove Neighborhood Association

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Neighborhood meeting coming up April 8th..preliminary agenda

Next meeting: April 8th, 7 p.m., 1919 Grove St
We had a great turn out last time..let's do it again!

Preliminary Agenda:
  • Coffee shop:  The fellows who are developing the coffee shop on Arapahoe will be coming to talk about their plans, and hear our feedback. (Todd and John)
  • Naropa Lincoln Building restoration/ADA compliance project.  (Aaron)
  • Demolition permit update for 2118 Goss (Mark)
  • Little Library update  (Chris S.)
  • Stone mosaic in Garden/Park  (Chris D.)
  • Community Garden update  (Jenny/Michele)
  • Social Media update (Jamie)
  • Street mural (Alycia)
  • Arapahoe Avenue update, if any (Michele)
  • Any other City stuff (Jerrie, Michele, Mary, Maria...usually you know what's up!)
  • Treasurers' report
  • We have funds!  Let's discuss projects which have long been on our wish list!
Looks like we have a pretty full agenda already, but please let me know if you have specific things that need to be added.

Friday, March 1, 2013

How much of Goss-Grove housing is rentals? Find out here!

I had a recent inquiry about which properties are rentals.  Michele kindly found the website where all this information can be found.  I thought it was interesting and you might, too.  You can find the info here.

Demolition of College Inn planned for May 28th

We received the following information from University of Colorado.  I don't know that we need to feed anything back to them, but let Stephen and me know if you feel differently!  You can also read more about the demolition in this recent Daily Camera article.
Jenny, co-chair GGNA


CU-Boulder has begun a project to demolish the College Inn on Arapahoe & 17th. The building is currently vacant and has been scheduled for abatement and demolition. The contractor is mobilizing and will start by abating the interior of the building for hazardous materials, then doing some selective demolition on the interior.

On May 28 (after Boulder High School ends for the year), the contractor will begin demolition. The building will be torn down by mechanical means (no wrecking balls or implosions). The work is expected to be complete by August 1, 2013. At the conclusion of the project, the area will be covered with gravel. The site is expected to remain undeveloped for the immediate future.
Expect to see large trucks in area. The contractor will manage traffic control and also has a dust mitigation plan in place. Work hours are expected to be 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. and the contractor will follow City noise ordinances.
That’s the gist of it. Let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Feel free to ring me if you want to discuss.

Nicole Gordon
Communications and Outreach Coordinator
Department of Facilities Management
University of Colorado Boulder
303-492-8687 (office)
303-265-1173 (cell)