Monday, July 28, 2014

Minutes from Last Neighborhood Gathering

Goss-Grove Neighborhood Meeting
July 16, 2014

The meeting was opened by co-chair Jenny at 7 PM.  Wine and chocolate were offered, as usual. The meeting was hosted by Jenny and Stephen and their puppy, Bella.  A toddler also attended!  ;  )   If you missed the meeting, we  hope you will join us next time!

Seventeen neighbors were present.

§  Bulletin board project—Garrett will build a bulletin board from metal and antique pieces that Jenny has donated.  It was decided to place it in the 19th Street pocket park facing the compass rose at that intersection.  Funding for materials was voted on and approved. 
§  Flooding—Diane and Michele reported on city meetings they have attended about updates of the flood plain maps and flood mitigation plans as a result of the September floods.  Action includes attending the WRAB (Water Resources Advisory   Board) meetings starting, July 21, to present individual stories of flood impact.  It is hoped that at each future meeting of this board one or more neighbors will tell the story of their experience. GGNA will reach out to surrounding businesses to combine efforts to convey flood impacts to city officials.  Diane and Jeffery will lead this effort.
§  Crime—Officer Keith Steinman told of continuing bicycle theft problems, the shift into our neighborhood of transients from other congregating locations, and arrests in a major LSD drug dealing ring at the Snow Lion Naropa dormitory.
§  Neighborhood garden—Jenny will be stepping down as co-garden leader at the end of the season.  Michele will continue.
§  Public art projects—The latest public art project is in the planning stages.  Jan, our neighbor who designed the compass rose, is creating designs to paint on the bollards (posts) at each traffic diversions and pocket park in the neighborhood.  These include robots, bugs, geometrics, tracks, and a welcome sign for the posts facing the compass rose.  Jan, Jerri, and Michele have been coordinating with the city about this project.  First painting will be the weekend of September 6 and 7.  Designs will be ready to be filled in with paint, similar to the process with the compass rose.  Paint and supplies will be provided. Please come and paint and meet your neighbors. 
§  New business—Maria and Stephen attended the kickoff meeting of the League of Neighborhoods Associations,  This is an effort to unite the neighborhood organizations in Boulder.
Another suggestion to improve communication between neighborhoods and the city is to restore the Neighborhood liaison position in the city managers office.  This person was responsible for communication between the city and the neighborhood organizations. The position was eliminated several years ago due to budget constraints.

Respectfully submitted by Michele Bishop

Saturday, April 19, 2014

What's happening in Goss-Grove!

Goss-Grove Neighborhood Gathering Minutes from April 15, 2014

Next meeting!  Wednesday, July 16, 7 p.m. 1919 Grove Street.  Mark your calendar today!

Fourteen of us gathered to have a glass of wine and chocolate at Mary and Maria’s while talking through neighborhood concerns. Stephen reminded us to start with introductions and Jenny added in the request for everyone to say a sentence about themselves. I love this part!  When Mary moved in to her house, a neighbor came over thanking her for moving in..she was replacing the 14 people who had been living there. Jenny is an amateur flutist and can be heard practicing on summer evenings when the windows are open; Jerrie participates in noise music where everyone plays whatever they want, all at that same time.   The idea came up that we could have a marching band amongst us since Jon plays the trumpet, Stephen the saxophone and Derrick the drums.  (That would be fun, actually!!)  Don just built a green house.  Loren and Andrea’s daughter is getting married and they have moved back to the neighborhood.  A young couple has bought the house just east of 17th; we will be happy to welcome some new residents.  

Paige has finished the neighborhood door hanger!  The goal of this project was to remind people that they are part of a vibrant community and how to find out more by going to NextDoor.  Deb suggested we add a line at the bottom for a neighbor to drop off a hanger and leave their name at the bottom as a way to personalize it..better yet to ring the doorbell and say hello.  [To that note, Andrea had a nice story about talking with neighbors about garbage problems and finding that they wanted the help and to learn how to garden.  One to one contact is always best, if possible.  (Sometimes it’s not for safety or comfort reasons, so don’t do it unless you feel comfortable.   Repeat offenders are also a separate problem….)]  The door hangers will go out as a soft copy for review and comments to the neighborhood.  Once finalized, the idea is to print a bunch of them using ExpressCopy, and distribute by using block leaders. Deb will spearhead distribution.  Stay tuned.  Thanks, Paige (and Dave,who I think also worked on this)!

Garden dues have been collected and we have $800.  Jerrie made the pitch that we need those funds for Garden repairs, and that the compost bin is even higher cost this year for rental than last year. $300 is a lot of pay for a single compost bin!  She proposes that we use paper bags and neighbor compost bins to collect green material to have it picked up at people’s houses.  WE support that move and will see how it goes.  Jenny will bring her compost bin over on Saturday for the first weed-a-thon.  Jerrie will buy bags and keep them in the tool bin.

Jenny still has a bee in her bonnet to get a kiosk/entrance structure installed in the Garden this season.  Dave S. suggests we take our field trip and get some ideas, then have a separate smaller meeting to discuss design and construction.  WE have talked about this for many years and it would be great to accomplish this (Jenny writing this!)  Jenny, Dave and Carmela are willing to discuss off line. Hope to get a couple other handy people to chime in, and have their names in mind….
The Garden has been administered through the efforts of Jenny and Michele for some years, and more involvement from the Gardeners or neighborhood is needed to prevent burn-out.  Maria pointed out that a proposal for GGNA Officers to serve on a committee is a no-go.  Jerrie pointed out that required meetings are a no-go. The only way to divide responsibilities is to have them included in the Garden Agreement somehow.   Since this year’s agreement was the first one ever written, and everyone has signed it, it’s too late for this year, but next year we’ll have to do something a little different.  Not sure what exactly that will look like.  There was a suggestion that there be a social event such as a Fall Party.  Previous attempts to organize and get participation were mixed.

Mary brought a fabulous map of the actual flood areas of the City to the meeting, including a blow-up of our neighborhood. Don pointed out that it did not fully capture all the flooding and was advised to contact the city to let them know more detail.  I thought the map was pretty accurate in capturing the large lake of water that resulted from the ditch overflow. Inquire Boulder is a site where you can submit feedback to the city:  Mary established contact with the ditch rider (a term I was not familiar with, but is the person who, I think I understood to be the person who keeps track of the condition of the ditches and is employed by the company that owns the ditch).  This person, Danny Armsted, is now in contact with the City…maybe we’ll see some action.  Mary will keep us informed.  Dave S. has contacted the City about the alley between Snow Lion and Grove Street to get it graded/paved so that water actually drains into the storm drains at 20th and Grove.  That would be an improvement!  

There will be a van tour of several  locations around Boulder to spark our imagination of what we might do here.  Join us!!  6 – 8 p.m. Wednesday, April 23.  Meet at 1945 Grove.  We plan to stop at several locations and treat ourselves to some wine/crackers/cheese/chocolate along the way. Sure to be a fun event!   In general, there was strong consensus that neighborhood art makes this part of Boulder quite unique and lovely. 

To that point, Jerrie has been working on a project to paint the ballasts (?...the posts) around the neighborhood but has been held up by who is responsible for repairing them (before they can be painted).  Jenny will contact Peter Rosato of the Transportation Dept.  Peter has been an incredible support to this neighborhood.  He has volunteered gravel for the Garden as well.  

Those who want to have art in the neighborhood make a plan and execute.  We have talked about doing  “something” in the 19th Street pocket park for years with Naropa, but unless we have definite plans, nothing will happen (we know from experience).  Jenny has a bee in her bonnet to get an entrance structure/kiosk in the Garden this year after 15 years or more of talking about it.  
The Little Library needs your books!  Jenny raised the question of whether we should be buying used books to stock it, but the response was that everyone has books they can put into it.  Jenny has been putting stickers on the books that say, “ Goss Grove Community Library..Always a Gift , never for Sale” to discourage theft (and selling at the local bookstore).  You can leave books on her porch at 1935 Grove Street if there are no stickers in the Library, and she’ll take care of them. 
Want to opt out of reading posts on from other neighborhoods?  It can be done!  There is a pull-down menu called “settings” under your name when you log in.  That’s where you can select what posts you want to read, whether you want emails, etc.

And finally, a note from the co-chairs:  Do you love living here?  Isn’t the Garden lovely?  Have you ever thought how the flowers that are blooming add a nice feel to your walk down the street? Have you checked out the Little Free Library?  Isn’t it neat that you know your neighbors?  Isn’t it a relief that we have a Neighborhood Parking Zone?  All this happens not only because people care, but because people DO. Everyone is busy but everyone can pitch in a little bit and make this neighborhood a better place.  Please help keep those who DO a lot from burning out.  Don’t look the other way when there’s a chance to make a difference.  Thanks.  You can do a world of good in just a few minutes!

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Meeting Notes from Last Neighborhood Gathering (January 15, 2014)

Painted street posts..we'd like to pretty up ours in GG

Notes from the Goss-Grove Neighborhood Gathering
January 15, 2014


Tuesday April 15,
Wednesday July 16
Thursday October 17


The meeting was opened by co-chairs, Jenny and Stephen, to a full house at Mary and Maria’s. Fifteen neighbors were there. It was great to see everyone. We were especially happy to have Derrick Jones join us; he is the new resident advisor at Snow Lion Apartments, the Naropa dormitory.  Keith Steinman, our long-time neighborhood police office, was also there to update us on the crime situation in our neighborhood. Great to see him again; it has been a long absence. Two new neighbors, Alex and Natalie, attended.  They had just moved in and saw the orange notice on the Little Library alerting passersby to the meeting.  We enjoyed meeting Patty, the owner of the lovely, newly painted little house on 20th between Arapahoe and Grove.  Jerrie brought a fantastic selection of her photographs of the neighborhood houses for us to browse.  She will be submitting the collection for showing in a public space.  We look forward to seeing our lovely neighborhood showcased for others to appreciate what we have here. As usual, there was something sweet (chocolate!) and lots of excellent wine. Thanks to all who took the time to attend and to our hostesses. 

Keith, our neighborhood police officer, alerted us to high levels of bike thefts across the city. Heroin usage is on the rise and the thefts are brazen; one theft was observed by a neighbor in the middle of the day from someone’s front porch.  It happened so fast and was so unbelievable. The bikes are sold immediately for a fix and the thieves jump back on a bus, often to Denver.  Keith had just picked up a stolen bike at the Circle K on 15th.  Police are seeing an increase in violence amongst the homeless; the numbers are up and there are turf wars between them. Keith says, “Call if you see anything that makes you suspicious.  We would rather have a false alarm than let something bad happen.” Good idea to record the serial numbers of your bikes and have them in case your bike is stolen.  You can also provide that information to the police for them to have on record.

Diane gave a report on the Water Resources Board meeting. They are completing mapping of the flood damage over the next few months and have a master plan to do a variety of flood-related projects.  The Boulder Slough is now on the map, which is the irrigation ditch that hit our neighborhood.  They will do an environmental assessment, then discuss mitigation projects.  They welcome input from us as to what is important to us. She and Susan will continue to participate in the meetings and let us know if we, the neighbors, need to show up at a meeting to represent our interests. 

Dave talked with the City about their emergency management plans and how they might be used as a model for neighborhoods.  They are working on improving their plans, too, so not much to be gained there. One thing important for us to know is that the loudspeakers/sirens are more to alert us that something is happening, but in order to know what to DO, go the Boulder Office of Emergency Management ( Reverse 911 worked for some people, not for others. You can sign up for “reverse 911” notifications and get more emergency preparedness information at

Mary followed up on the very tight parking situation some of us had last fall.  At that time the parking patrol was understaffed, and Goss-Grove had been combined with another district.  Partly spurred by our complaints, Parking Services is now fully staffed and has made the Goss-Grove NPP Zone its own district again.  They are patrolling three times a week. In a sample period from Jan. 8-10, they issued 142 tickets to violators.  The City issues permits for two commuters per block in Goss-Grove (other neighborhoods have four).  If you find there is true parking scarcity on your block, you can petition for a traffic count to get a survey on spaces available during the day.  If a significant problem exists Parking Services can take away commuter permits to open up space, something they’ve done in other areas.  If your block is over-parked, post a note to NextDoor, please.

It was a pleasure to meet  Derrick Jones, the new residential advisor at Snow Lion.  He can be reached at  He is interested in pursuing a community project in the pocket park at 19th and Grove and said he would poll the students and see what ideas they might have. One idea was to paint the blank wall on the south side of Snow Lion with a mural!

Paige reported on the door hanger project.  She needs the dragonfly logo and ideas of what to include on the door hanger.  As I recall, we felt it could be pretty bare bones, but have the info on and some neighborhood info.  We proposed that she put something together for next meeting.  She is working on this with Dave. 

Jerrie brought a spectacular portfolio of photographs of the neighborhood in a collection called Painted Ladies of Goss-Grove. We enjoyed going through them.  You can purchase prints directly through her for a very reasonable price.

Jerrie is also pursuing a project to paint some of the posts that “decorate” our neighborhood.  An example of what has been done in another neighborhood is shown in the picture at the top of this post. We all like the idea of increasing neighborhood art. Art Counsel, Green Streets, Transportation Department and the City are all potential or current partners. 

Community Garden will have some open plots this season.  Currently, only Jenny and Michele are representing the Garden, but there needs to be a permanent, larger group to oversee its health and maintenance for continuity, and shared workload.  Garrett and Kristi proposed three different levels of repairs to the Garden plots.  The feeling was that we plan to do the most extensive/permanent repairs, and raise funds to do that.  Next step is to get estimate of costs so we can plan for that. 

Treasurer’s report.  $650 balance. Upcoming expenses:  $250 for Garden compost bin, $TBD for Garden repairs

Sunday, January 12, 2014 Building Community one at a time

I think it's cool that our neighborhood has more members than any other Boulder Neighborhood, even though we are smaller in area than many. We're shooting for 100!  Sign up today! 

Next neighborhood gathering AGENDA this WEDNESDAY 7 p.m.

 Meeting starts at 7 p.m. at 1919 Grove Street.  As usual, there will be wine and sweets, smiles and good cheer. Please come!   We welcome all who live in this great neighborhood, young, old, student, professional, retired, renters, owners, short-timers, fossils of the neighborhood : )  Jerrie will be  bringing an assortment of neighborhood pictures to the meeting for all of us to enjoy! 

Follow up on flood, info from Water Resource Board (Diane, Susan)
Neighborhood Preparedness (David)
(Thanks to Michele for having City come in to Street Sweep!)

Art Project with the City (Jerrie)

Field trip (David)
Parking Update (Mary)
Dog waste, snow shoveling, other neighborhood livability issues (Nina)

Community Garden Plot sign-up (there will be at least 2 - 3 openings for next year)
Community Garden:  How did it work last year being administered by GGNA, suggestions and comments, proposal that Garden coordinator be an official GGNA (sub-position), tracking of volunteer hours, renewals, policies, fees (stay same or increase?)
Community Garden repair options (provided by Garrett and Kristi, thanks!)
Informational kiosk update,  neighborhood outreach (any update from Paige and David?)
19th Street Pocket Park:  Is a Naropa-GGNA project viable, and if so, how to progress past talk.
Treasurer report and spending priorities

Take a moment to register at  As of February 1, these blog postings will no longer be automatically emailed to the listserve.  All postings will go through Next Door.