Goss-Grove Neighborhood Association
Minutes of October 21, 2010 meeting
Eight neighbors and two visitors gathered at the home of our co-chairs, Jerrie and Jon Hurd.
Officer election
The co-chairs, Jerrie and Jon Hurd, the treasurer, Michele Bishop, and the secretary, Maria Krenz, were unanimously reelected for another year.
Treasurer’s report
We made $73.34 from the garage sale, and spent $14.75 for flyers and refreshments. Current balance is $736.08.
Bike and car share programs
Rich Points from Community Cycles updated us on the activities towards making Goss-Grove a car-lite neighborhood. They are working with CU and Naropa to have students who will rent in the neighborhood make a pledge to live car-free while here. There will be incentives for them, including helping them find work nearby. They envision a 3-5 year campaign.
There will be a walk-through in the neighborhood with the Transportation Department to explore how to redesign the medians to let bikers move through where our streets are blocked for car traffic. Jerrie will notify the neighbors of the date.
The next bike clinic in the neighborhood will be Sunday, April 17, 2011.
Karen Warminghouse from eGo CarShare explained the program. It offers an alternative to personal car ownership or a way to pare down cars in the household. The number of car-share vehicles available in Boulder has increased, including a truck parked at McGuckin. If you have a car that you use seldom, you can loan it to CarShare. You still have the use of it when you need it, you get usage credit, and CarShare will cover the insurance and maintenance.
Rezoning issues
Several neighbors went to a meeting with planning staff, including GGNA representatives, Jerrie Hurd and Mary Hey. The staff was very responsive. Of the three possible maps for RMX-1 zoning, we chose the largest, with some additions on the north side of Goss. The staff understands that we want to preserve the character of the neighborhood and are not looking for historic status. We envision a stable neighborhood where young families can buy a home and modify it to work for them.
The first step will be the revision of the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan. The staff hopes that it will happen by Spring 2011.
Community Garden
Michele Bishop attended the organization’s meeting. We are doing well with two leaders and fourteen plots. Water has to be turned off by October 31 or before, depending on the weather. Plots need to be cleaned out by November 15th. Renewals are due by February, all current gardeners will receive a notification. There is some maintenance work needed in the garden, but whether we can receive the materials needed depend on the funding of the organization.
Respectfully submitted,
Maria Krenz, Secretary