Thank you so much for participating in the focus group discussion for the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan Update. The discussions were fantastic and we learned a lot about the issues you care about. It helped us revise the papers and have better recommendations for moving forward.
We are starting our third phase of the update process which focuses on getting more input from community members on the recommendations. A major outreach effort titled “Boulder Matters: Harvesting Ideas” is being planned to consolidate public outreach on a number of Planning Department projects, including the BVCP update. Several events are scheduled at different times and locations from mid-October through mid-November to provide people a variety of opportunities to get information, engage in discussions and give feedback. Here is a link to the meeting dates, locations and focus topics: Boulder Matters
These meetings are family-oriented and planned to be a lot of fun. Please feel free to pass this information on to your members.
Each event will provide input opportunities and breakout sessions on:
- Boulder’s Energy Future
- Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan
- SmartRegs
- Post WWII Historic Preservation Survey
- Bear and Mountain Lion
- Waste Reduction
- Solar Gardens
- Urban Gardens
- Energy Efficiency
The last 3 meetings will have a primary focus on the comprehensive plan update.
The final briefing papers will be available on the website next week (by October 27) and the public comment period will go through November 19. The five briefing papers are on:
- Community Design / Urban Form
- Social Sustainability
- Economic Sustainability
- Local Food & Sustainable Agriculture
- Energy and Climate Action
We welcome you or your organization to provide suggestions or comments to staff and decision-makers about the recommendations. If you would like us to provide materials for a group discussion or have a staff member attend one of you meetings, please contact me and we can make arrangements.
Thanks again so very much for your help. We hope you will attend one of the Boulder Matters meetings!
Warm Regards,
Jean Hagen Gatza, AICP
Sustainability Planner
City of Boulder, Colorado
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