Thursday, December 1, 2011

Ignore Snow--Info on Rezoning Meeting Tonight!

All right guys, this is the test. Snow going to keep you home? Tonight is the information meeting with the city on the rezoning issue. We need a good showing of Goss-Grove people there. Senior Center right behind the downtown library at Arapahoe and 9th. There is parking there. 5-7 p.m.
Those who show up get hero status.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Garden Repairs--Be there!!!

Thanks to those who have committed to working on the repairs to the garden beds. Also I noticed today that some have shoveled the dirt away from the damaged timbers in the plots to help with the repairs, thanks.
My inventory indicates that mostly top timbers will need to be replaced, some will need both top and base timbers replaced.
I will order the timbers and have them delivered on Friday. Let's get together for a work party on Saturday about 10 am.
We will need sledge hammers, drill with 1" hole bit, maybe circular saw, pry bars, and possibly drivers. Bring gloves. I'll bring some refreshments.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Important Info

I posted the letter that was sent to homeowners in Goss-Grove about the zoning change. It's a little hard to read and it DOES apply to renters. We know some of our members are long-time residents in area but rent and so may not have gotten the letter. You can still attend the meeting and express an opinion. In fact, renters add to the mix and seem to impress people with their commitment to the neighborhood. You don't have to own to care!!!
There will be a public meeting 5-7 p.m. Thursday, December 1 at the West Boulder Senior Center. This is the time and place for city staff to answer questions. It's also a time and place for us to express support and come out in numbers that show we care about what happens in our neighborhood. See you there!

The Letter on Zoning Arrived! Put December 1 On Calendar

Saturday, October 29, 2011

New Officers! More on Zoning!

Goss-Grove Neighborhood Association
Minutes of October 20, 2011 meeting

Six neighbors met at the home of co-chairs, Jerrie and Jon Hurd.
The meeting was called to order at 6:15 pm and the minutes of the July meeting were approved.

The Treasurer’s report was read and accepted.  We have $633.10, but Jan Burch may submit additional expenses related to the street mural.  Also, there will be future expenses associated with retouching the mural once a year.

Zoning: We succeeded last summer in getting the land use designation for a large part of Goss-Grove changed to MXR (mixed-density residential), a necessary step to changing zoning.  Now we need to work to change the zoning from high-density to medium density, i.e., from the current RH-2 to RMX-1.  (A pdf of  the map of the possible RMX-1 zone is available, please email if you would like a copy.) To see a comparison between RH-2 and RMX-1 zones, see pages 11-13 of

On October 26th the City will send a mailing to all property owners in Goss-Grove’s newly designated MXR land use area, inviting us to an informational hearing.  That hearing is scheduled to occur November 16th or 17th (the postcard you get will have that information). 

A Planning Board meeting to discuss the zoning changes is tentatively scheduled for December 15.  City Council will likely make its final decision sometime in February.
Both the City Council and the Planning Board approved the MXR land use designation change unanimously.  Now that the decision is about zoning, we expect more opposition. We will need large neighborhood participation in the upcoming meetings.

New Officers:
Michele Bishop was unanimously elected Secretary.
            Jerrie Hurd was unanimously elected Treasurer, and head of communications.
Mary Hey and Maria Krenz were unanimously elected Co-Chairs

We applauded Jon and Jerrie Hurd for their extraordinary leadership as co-chairs and thanked them with a gift certificate.

Other Business:

Jenny Devaud volunteered to recreate the pamphlet about the neighborhood to hand out to new neighbors.

Monday, October 24, 2011


OK, we're a little slow reporting our meeting last week. Catching our collective breaths.
We have new officers. Mary Hey and Maria Krenz are the co-chairs. Michelle Bishop is the new secretary, which might be news to her. Jerrie Hurd is new treasurer with additional duties in the PR area as directed by the chairs. Congrats to all.

NOW it's time to get serious about the upcoming challenges for our next year. RE-ZONING!
We sipped champaign and congratulated ourselves on getting the land use changed in our neighborhood that was just the beginning. You have to change the land use before you can change the zoning. Now the zoning issue will be coming up and there is concern that we may encounter more opposition because people understand that zoning affects them. They don't always understand the underlying land use designations.

Here's the upcoming schedule which will undoubtedly change as we go along. On or about October 26, all owners in Goss-Grove will receive a letter from the city announcing that a zoning change is being considered. That letter will invite all owners to a informational meeting about November 16/17. WE MUST HAVE LOTS OF PEOPLE AT THE MEETING TO SHOW SUPPORT FOR THE CHANGE. It would be very bad if there were more people opposed to the change than supporting it.

December 15 the issue will go to Planning Board. Again we need people to be present.

In February, at two separate City Council Meetings there will be a first and second reading. We will need people to attend and several of us will need to speak at that meeting.


The actual minutes of the meeting last week will be posted later for approval. This is the highlights. Also please note that you're sorry if you weren't in attendence. We had wine, cinnamon rolls, conducted business and then hung around for funny stories--likely never to be repeated again--until late in the evening. It was one of the best meetings.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Tomorrow Re-Zoning and Elections BE THERE

Quarterly meeting tomorrow (Thursday, October 20) at 6 p.m. at Hurd House 2010 Goss.
Louise Grauer from city planning office called and wants to have coffee tomorrow morning about re-zoning of our neighborhood that's coming up fast, so I'll have information on that important issue.
We have elections, every October. We need a quorum for that. So YOU need to be here.
Besides, I'm baking cinnamon rolls--fresh out of oven and we have lemonade, too.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

THIS THURSDAY---Election!!!

Our quarterly meeting is this Thursday, October 20, at 6 p.m. at the Hurd House 2010 Goss with cinnamon rolls and neighborhood news. We need to congratulate ourselves, once more, on the mural. BIG THING is election of new officers. No mail-in ballot so you have to show up in person. We got the land use changed this year. Next year the rezoning that goes with that land use change is coming up. So there is reason to put forward a good slate of candidates----might be YOU. There are a few other things to discuss but those are the big items. See you there.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Quarterly Meeting and Election of Officers

It's coming. That time of year when we elect new officers.
This year, every one of our officers is term-limited. So we need a whole new slate of volunteers to take over the organization. Kinda, sorta exciting. New blood. New ideas. New, new, new . . .
That means you need to show up and make your vote count--or your nomination count.
October 20th 6 p.m. at Hurd House--2010 Goss. With Cinnamon Rolls!!!
We have a few other items on the agenda but elections are the big one!
See you.
Think about what office you'll assume.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

ART, ART, ART in the neighborhood--Open Studios

Every October Boulder hosts OPEN STUDIOS--100 artists who open their studios for two weekends for anyone who wants to come and see and chat with the artist. In Goss-Grove Neighborhood Jerrie Hurd will be having one
Jerrie is at 2010 Goss--studio is behind the yellow house with the big-big numbers.

October 1 and 2 from noon to 6 p.m.
October 8 and 9 from noon to 6 p.m.

Jerrie does fine art nude photographs, many underwater. This year there will be an emphasis on the male form, but nothing too graphic.

Absolutely no pressure to buy. More interested in showing off and talking about the art. Hope you come by and take in the work.

PS if someone else in the neighborhood is having an OPEN STUDIO. Let me know.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Video Goss-Grove Mural--Time Lapse

Both Jay and I want to express our gratitude to the community for making this project possible. So many people gave so much to make this a successful event. All the planing, preparation work, plus the actual day of painting. The effort put forward by this community is so impressive and the dedication to seeing the project through was really touching for us.
I had never worked on such a large mural.
I never thought it would require so much effort from so many people, and in so many ways.
Thank you to all the individuals that came together to pull it off!
Jan Burch and Jay Pettipiece

Here's the link to their timelapse video--wonderful. I wasn't able to actually get it onto the blog.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Thank You Everyone--Goss-Grove Mural Project

Here are the people who made the mural at the Geographic Center of Boulder Happen.
Jan Burch
Jan Burch
Jan Burch
Jan Burch
Jan Burch
Jay Pettipiece
Jay Pettipiece
Jay Pettipiece
Jay Pettipiece
Jay Pettipiece

The rest of the names are in no particular order:
Deb Crowl
Bill Knight
Rich Points
Juliann Major
Nic Ballinger
Susan Iott
Alycia Bouyounan
Mike Overton
Matt Delumpa
Chip Samson
Campbell "Mac" Tilt
Stacie Wolf
Shrishti Yadav
Juliya Drakh-Hewels
Erik Lasko
Lola Clark
Regina Martinez-Stransky
Andrea Montoya
Lisa Holmes
Loren Weinberg
Mary Hey
Maria Krenz
Michelle Bishop
Mindy Hurd
Jerrie Hurd
Jon Hurd
Greg Mulligan
Eithne Mulligan
Graham Mulligan
Roseanne Mulligan
Susanna Lubinsky
Kelsey Glass
Diane Fritz
Cynthia Peacock
Paul Shields
Deb Shields

DISCLAIMER: If I missed you and you helped, let me know. Also, if I spelled your name wrong, let me know and I'll fix those things because this list will be here as long as blogs live. Maybe even longer than the mural


We DID IT--Goss-Grove Mural!!!! Mary Hey's Photos

WE DID IT--Goss-Grove Mural!!!!

Check out the Daily Camera report. Thanks to the dozens and dozens of workers and well wishers. It was a long and fun day. Congrats to us. Are we a cool neighborhood or What???

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Looking Better--Still Need People

Thank you. Thank you.
A bunch of you have stepped up. Barricade Power is looking much better.
I still need people, especially late afternoon and evening. Plus one 8 a.m. shift. You can bring a chair, your dogs (that one is for Jon), a book, knitting, a beer (as long as city blog party people don't see it--I'm thinking late evening times) You get the idea--you don't have to stand at attention, like a soldier. We're getting close!!
303 444 3475
303 898 1435

Friday, September 23, 2011

Mural Project in Jeopardy---HELP!!!!

Here's the deal. The city is requiring FOUR barricades. They are also requiring that we have someone positioned at those barricades every minute from 8 a.m. until 10 p.m. The moment we don't have one of those barricades covered with someone, we are shut down!!!!
I have one person who has volunteered for two shifts of 2 hours. I have one other person coming at 1 p.m. who will stand a barricade IF there's no painting to do. We can't operate like that.
Here's my email:
Home phone: 303 444 3475
Mobile phone 303 898 1435
By tomorrow evening, if I don't have most of the hours on those barricades covered, we're going to have modify or abandon the project. We don't have a choice here. So I need people to soldier-up on this one.
No one except Jan (the artist) is excused from barricade duty.
The city is sending press, an ice cream truck, a food van. We have the paint. My husband, Jon, went to Denver this morning to get the barricades (that's going to require two trips in Diane's pickup) So we're ready to roll. It would be a shame to lose the project because we can't get anyone to stand the barricades. Right????

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Your Job Mural Painting Day--September 25

As promised, I have a list of things and work needed to make that mural happen at the intersection of 19th and Grove.
Here's the schedule: Start at 8 a.m. Sunday morning September 25 (next Sunday)
With good weather, Jan thinks the painting might be done in 4-6 hours. We have a permit to keep the street blocked until 10 p.m. That's to let the mural have plenty of time to dry because durability depends on drying time.
Jan will also be spray washing the street earlier in the week. She will be outlining the mural on Saturday. If you want to help with those things contact Jan Otherwise plan to show up sometime Sunday to help.
We need
1. knee pads/garden pads (these might get paint on them)
2. Coolers for drinks and ice
3. quart-size containers to hold paint (these will likely get trashed)
4. old ripped up T-shirts or rags (also likely trashed at end of project)
5. Chalk for kid's project that we're sponsoring on the side (Roseanne--I hope you're reading this)
6. YOU stooping over to paint will be tiring so we need to spread that joy around.
7. Guards to stand at the barricade until 10 p.m. to keep people from walking on or driving over the mural while it dries--this is likely the least glamourous job but you can bring I-Pad or book to read and we'll try to limit this duty to 2 hours per person.
You can bring cooler, knee pads, etc to my house (2010 Goss 303 444 3475) all this week, if that's more convenient.
I NEED PEOPLE TO EMAIL ME WITH COMMITMENTS AS TO PAINTING GUARDING HELPING WITH THIS PROJECT. Naropa students will fill in. They need to know exactly when they are needed and should show up sooooooo it would be helpful if I knew when you all are going to come and help.


Thursday, September 15, 2011

Mural Painting Time--BE THERE!!

It's happening.
It's going to be big.
You want to be there when Goss-Grove puts itself on the geographic center of Boulder in PINK!!! and DRAGONFLIES.
Sunday September 25 starting at 8 a.m. and going until 10 p.m. we're putting that mural on the corner of 19th and Grove.
We have Naropa students lined up to help us.
Jan's got the design ready and approved. Jan has also found a way to get most of the paint donated.
There's a meeting my backyard (2010 Goss) tomorrow at 4 p.m. for anyone who wants to get involved in the remaining planning.
After tomorrow I'll have a list of job and needs. Pay attention because this is toooooo big of a project for anyone in the neighborhood to ignore!!! Get it on your calendar.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Pickup, Pickup Who's Got the Pickup

Listen up.
We can get those barriers required for closing the street for our mural project for FREE!!! That is, if we can find a pickup to go to Denver and pick them up and return them. Surely somebody can figure out how to find, borrow but not steal a pickup for our project. What do you say?????
Contact Jerrie with your pickup ideas.

Friday, August 19, 2011


11:30 a.m.
19th and Grove park
Twenty freshmen from Naropa, living in Snow Lion, will show up ready to clean-up. They are also supposed to meet the neighbors. I'm bringing lemonade and ice tea for everyone. You're coming with gloves and extra garbage bags.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

YOU and the clean-up/ bike clinic Saturday

Naropa contacted us and asked if their freshmen moving into Snow Lion could meet the neighbors and clean-up the neighborhood as a service project. They have 20 or more students ready to spiff up the place. We are meeting at 11:30 a.m. Saturday in the park next to Snow Lion--19th and Grove.
There will also be a free bike clinic going on at the same time. WHAT A NEIGHBORHOOD!!!
Here's the deal----those 20 eager students can't meet YOU unless you show up. We need to show the same pride in the neighborhood as these freshmen are being asked to express. So put it on your calendar!!!
11:30 Saturday
19th and Grove
Bring gloves and extra garbage bags

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Good News from Traffic Department!

Bill Cowern, from Boulder Traffic, has determined that we do NOT need to work out a traffic control plan with an independent consultant (big expense) for our Paint the Pavement Project. We will need to rent four Type III barriers and place them as suggested by his department (expense, but not a big one). So we're one step closer to painting the mural.
Tomorrow the design and several of us goss-grovers will be at the Art Council Meeting to get their approval. Wish us well.
Also big thanks to Mindy Hurd, Michelle Bishop and Jerrie Hurd for taking the petitions around and getting more than enough signatures from our neighbors to satisfy city on that regulation.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Google Boulder--Know Someone?????

Michelle Bishop has a great idea. Since our Paint the Pavement Mural is based on Google placing the geographic center of Boulder at 19th and Grove--maybe they'd like to contribute to the effort, with the appropriate recognition, etc, etc. Or at least it would be fun to talk to them.
Anybody have a contact or know someone at the Google Boulder office?????

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Space to Share?????

I'm very interested in being able to store large amounts of meat and food that I purchase directly from local farmers. The problem is that we live in a very small condo and don't have a garage or other space in which to store an upright freezer. I thought I would see if anyone in the neighborhood has any extra space for me to keep and use a freezer. I would need to be able to access it about once a week or so. I'd be more than happy to pay for the electricity it uses. If you have some space available, please contact me.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Great Meeting--Here Are Minutes. NOTE NEED FOR DONATIONS

Goss-Grove Neighborhood Association

Minutes of July 21, 2011 meeting

Eleven neighbors and three visitors met at the home of co-chairs, Jerrie and Jon Hurd.

The meeting was called to order at 6:15 pm and the minutes of the April meeting were approved.

1. Brett Schaker of Community Cycles offered to bring the rolling bike clinic to the neighborhood. It was agreed to hold the bike clinic on Saturday, August 20, from noon to 4 pm by the Snow Lion parking area. Brett also reminded neighbors that at Community Cycles (2805 Wilderness Pl.) anyone can volunteer 15 hours of labor and earn a bicycle.

2. This is also the date that Naropa indicated that they would like the new crop of Snow Lion students to do some community work in the neighborhood. We will ask the students to help clean up the three pocket parks. The two events will work well together and GGNA will provide some refreshments.

3. Mary Hey summed up the history of GGNA trying to save the character of the neighborhood since the 70s and was turned down twice by the city. This year the decadal revision of the Boulder Comprehensive Plan gave us another opportunity to try for a redesignation of the neighborhood to mixed used, medium density. The city planning staff did a careful study and recommended the change to the Planning Board, supported by a careful and cogent memo from GGNA, which was also sent to the City Council. Numerous neighbors attended and spoke at the joint meeting of the City Council and the Planning Board. While the Planning Board opposed GGNA’s request at first, after the City Council voted unanimously for it, the Planning Board also approved.

The meeting toasted the neighborhood and Mary Hey for her drafting of the memo, and presented her with a GGNA Service Award.

4. Merrie Leach, Emergency Management Coordinator for the City and County of Boulder came to talk about living in the floodplain. Boulder, sitting at the mouth of Boulder Creek, is the number one in flash flood risk in Colorado. Merrie distributed flash flood safety information (see The first thing is to go to higher ground immediately; stay out of flood waters; avoid driving in flooded areas; stay away from power lines and electrical wires. Heed flood alerts – it can be sunny where you are and flood in a few minutes. Also, have a “go bag,” have a family plan and meeting place, make sure to have your medications and store copies of important papers in a safe place away from home. has up-to-date information of flood danger or other emergency situations.

5. Terry Steinborn from the now defunct Office of Environment Enforcement explained that the police will take over the duties of the office and will have more resources. GGNA thanked Terry for her long and tireless service making our neighborhood quieter and better.

6. Jenny Devaud reported that the garden is going well. There are 13 full plots and two half-plots. Jenny is organizing monthly weedatons. She is asking people with plots to put in 4 hours to keep up the garden and encourages all neighbors to come help, even if for a brief time. It is a good opportunity to meet neighbors you might not know.

7. We are going forward with plans to paint a street mural at the intersection of Grove and 19th, the geographical center of Boulder. Neighbors looked at two designs by Diane and Jan, and agreed that though Diane’s design was lovely and intriguing, it couldn’t be done in a day. Jan Burch’s very attractive design was adopted. The date chosen is September 25th.

Jan and Mary will ask for donations of street paint and brushes from Guiry and McGuckins. Jan will make stencils and have Rocky Mountain Blueprint blow them up to fit the 15 ft diameter of the circle design. Will ask for a loan of Roseanne and Greg’s canopy, so painters can be shaded. Maria will provide water. Jerrie will take care of the paperwork with the city. She will make sure enough neighbors sign up for the event and ask for volunteer students from Snow Lion.

We need donations to cover the expenses for paint and brushes. Please give/send donations to Michelle Bishop, our treasurer, or Jerrie Hurd, our co-chair.

8. At the October meeting we’ll consider establishing a Paypal account for GGNA.

Next meeting of GGNA is on October 20th.

Respectfully submitted,

Maria Krenz, Secretary

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Quarterly Meeting Agenda--LOTS TO DO!

Tomorrow! July 21 Quarterly Meeting 2010 Goss Street (Hurd House) LOTS ON AGENDA!!!

1. Report of History of Land Use in Goss-Grove--the recent changes and why we're celebrating. That means we will begin the celebration immediately. Champagne and Cinnamon Rolls--a combination that seems to fit the neighborhood and occasion.

2. The Street Mural--We are going to put a street mural at 19th and Grove (geographic center of Boulder) We will have at least one design to consider. Also need to discuss date to do it; expense of doing it; closing the street, etc.

3. Rich Points wants to find a date for the next bike clinic. We've cancelled twice for various reasons. This is a great event and needs our support.

4. Jenny will report on the Gardens

5. I have a fun New Yorker Magazine description that fits the neighborhood exactly that I'll share.

6. Merrie Leach is coming at 7 p.m. to talk about living in a floodplain (That's us). She's with the Office of Emergency Service in Boulder.

7. Officer Terry Steinborn who is retiring from Environmental Enforcement will be joining us. We want to honor her. Also we need to talk about what the changes in Boulder's environmental enforcement will mean to the neighborhood.

8. Anything else that's on anyone's mind. This might be a longish meeting so come prepared to keep celebrating and keep talking.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Community Garden Clean-up tomorrow, July 19, 6 - 8 p.m.

Community Garden and Park Clean-ups
Do you enjoy stopping to smell the flowers, watching the dragonfly spin in the breeze or sitting on the stone benches?..or just appreciating that this space exists in this neighborhood? Well, it all happens due to volunteer labor. Please consider joining us to do some weeding. No experience necessary! Come even if it's only for 15 minutes! It's even fun and a great way to contribute to making this neighborhood the special place it is.

Tuesday, July 19, 6 - 8 p.m.
Thursday, August 18, 7 - 9 p.m.
Saturday, September 17, 8 - 10 a.m.
Saturday, October 8, 9 - 11 a.m.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Quartery Meeting with Champagne and Cheers

This Thursday--July 21 at 6 p.m. Hurd House/garden 2010 Goss St.
Quarterly meeting.
Champagne and cinnamon rolls to celebrate!!!!
Discussion will include celebration of change in land use that we've all been working on!!!!
Also--street mural, gardens, city environmental department closing, flash floods (with visitor from the emergency preparedness office), bike clinic and anything else on anyone's mind!!!!
It's time to show up and join in. Invite your neighbors. This one will be fun!!!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

It's Official--Planning Board Also Votes YES!!!!

OK, it's a done deal.
We really, really won!
I attended and spoke at the Planning Board tonight because they had to consider the changes to the land use in Goss-Grove that City Council approved on June 7. In other words, they had to also approve the same boundaries. After some discussion, they did. Five members of the planning board had walked or biked the neighborhood and agreed that the boundaries looked odd on a map but made sense on the ground. The sixth member went along reluctantly.
July 21 at our quarterly meeting, we will have champagne. Come prepared to celebrate.
Quarterly meeting at Hurd house, 2010 Goss, at 6 p.m. I'm making cinnamon rolls this time, because it's summer and I'm tired of gumbo.
We will also have someone from emergency services talking about flood preparation.
Don't miss this meeting!!!!!!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Waking in the Night! Flashing Lights and Booms! ...but not in our neighborhood please....

Ahh, firework season.  Fireworks are illegal in the city of Boulder.  I love them in Folsom Field on July 4th, but hate them on our streets in the nights leading up to the 4th, and after...(got to light off the leftovers).  We called the police last night (no response) and Stephen went and shut down some of the lads over at 1905 Grove at 1 a.m.  If you are disturbed by fireworks, please call the police at 303-441-3333 (non-emergency dispatch line).  Over the years, we've been told by our neighborhood police to call, call, call if we want them down here.  Otherwise, they go patrol places where people do call them.

Monday, June 13, 2011

A Neighborhood Yard Sale?

Last year we did not have a yard sale, but a couple of neighbors showed up in the park on their own and sold their wares.  This year, we have had an inquiry about whether the neighborhood would have one. All it takes is one person to step up for it to happen....

And it does not take much.

Set a date and time.  We traditionally have done it the end of August when students are moving in/out.
Location 19th and Grove pocket park.
Send out an email to the neighborhood at letting others know your intention and asking if anyone would be participating (if that is important to you).
Post a few signs on Canyon and Arapahoe letting people know.
Have fun!

Upcoming Neighborhood Events

Mark your calendars!  (You can always find latest postings on upcoming events at the  Goss-Grove Neighborhood Blog.

June 26th Free bike clinic, 12 - 4 p.m.

July 21 6 p.m. Jerrie and Jon's house with yummy gumbo! Quarterly neighborhood meeting

September 3rd. Come out and paint a neighborhood street mural at 19th and Grove!

October 20, Jerrie and Jon's, Quarterly neighborhood meeting and election of officers.

We Won!!!!! Land Use Change Passed City Council

Big thanks to everyone who came out to various meetings all year long in support of the land use change for Goss-Gove Neighborhood. Some of you have been working longer than a year on this issue----as in 30 years. In case you didn't get the news, on June 7th the City Council voted unanimously in support of the land use change, laying the groundwork for lower density in our neighborhood. Several City Council members spoke in our favor citing the example of Whittier neighborhood. When density was lowered there, that neighborhood began to improve in character and stability. Stability was cited as a reason to do this. People who buy homes in Goss-Grove need to be assured that they will not have a huge apartment building go in next to them. It was also noted that areas on the hill that have become all rental--mostly students--are problem areas in the city. Every neighborhood needs a core of residents who live there longer than the school year. It was also noted that our neighborhood association was key to getting this done. By that, we mostly mean May Hey was key to getting this done. She wrote the extraordinary and persuasive memos that even the council cited as among the best they'd ever read. Hip-hip-hurrah to Mary!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Save September 3 for Mural Painting

On the application to paint a mural at 19th and Grove (Geographic Center of Boulder and we're proud of it!) I had to pick a date when we want the streets closed.
I picked Saturday, September 3. This is a huge project. We will need all hands.
July Quarterly Meeting we will decide on the design. We already have two candidates--both good.
You will also want to be at July 21 meeting to help decide the design. I'm making cinnamon rolls and ice tea.
See you on both dates: July 21 and September 3!!!!!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

I'd rather be eating cookies than be at the Council meeting, but I will be there

I'd rather sit by the fire eating cookies and drinking hot toddies,
or curl up in my chaise or pour pesto over hot pasta to accompany my wine.
I'd maybe rather be cleaning the bathroom than stepping out in the rain
to walk past that once-lovely house with the double wide upended trailer
pasted on its back end, but alas! I must!
Aah, the absentee landlords which send out mass mailings to us fortelling
our misfortune should we fight for the neighborhood that we love.
I'll rouse myself, put on my oilskins and boots, and face the Council
to stand tall with those who care enough to appear.
I hope you are one of them.

Monday, May 23, 2011

6:30 p.m. City Council Building Tomorrow


Friday, May 20, 2011

Latest we heard from city staff is that we DO need to be there at 6:30 p.m.
Sorry, but some parts of the city staff obviously don't talk to other parts of the city staff. We're thinking 6:30 p.m. to be safe.
PLEASE tell everyone.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

MAY 24 City Council Meeting & What YOU Need To Do

This is likely the most important meeting to attend in regards to the land use/rezoning issue before the Planning Board and City Council.
You need to show up there at 7 p.m.

Here's how it works:
The meeting is in Council Chambers (Broadway and Canyon Building). Sign up to speak is at 5 p.m. We have two people from our group who have prepared things to say--so you don't need to speak or be there to sign up unless you feel strongly about this. YOU NEED TO BE THERE TO RAISE YOUR HAND IN SUPPORT--THE MORE THE BETTER.

Meeting will start at 6:30 with preliminary business. YOU need to be there at 7 p.m. Likely that's when they will get to the part of the meeting that affects us.

Questions? Call Jerrie Hurd 303 444 3475

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

SHOWTIME--As In Show Up For This!!!!

Residents and Owners in Goss-Grove,

The City Council and Planning Board will hold a joint public meeting on Tuesday May 24 to consider many changes to the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan (BVCP), one of which is a land use change in the Goss-Grove neighborhood from High Density Residential to Mixed Density Residential.

The final parcel report is on page 92 of Attachment E of the staff memo for the May 24 Planning Board/City Council public hearing:

The entire memo and meeting schedule is here:

If you have additional questions please feel free to call me. I will be out of the office Thursday May 19 through Tuesday May 24. (I will be at the hearing.) If you cannot reach me, please call Marie Zuzack at 303 441-1886 or Jessica Vaughn at 303 441-4161.

Thank you.


Louise Grauer AICP

Senior Planner

Community Planning & Sustainability

City of Boulder


Monday, May 16, 2011


Joint City Council and Planning Board public hearing

2010 Major Update to the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan
See corrections in red

City Council and Planning Board will hold a joint public hearing to consider proposed policy, text and map changes, as part of the 2010 Major Update to the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan (BVCP) on:

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

6:30 p.m.

Council Chambers

1777 Broadway

Following the public hearing, Planning Board will deliberate and take action on the proposed changes. City Council will then take action on the proposed changes on Tuesday, June 7, 2011. Adoption hearings with the Boulder County Planning Commission and Boulder County Commissioners will be held in July and August.

The memo and draft plan is available for review at

The analysis section of the memo and the attachments are organized around the following three components of the update:

  1. Policy and text changes: revisions focus on the sustainability policies, urban form and community design policies, reorganization of the plan (including the introduction of new chapters), and reduction in redundant policies.
  2. Area III-Planning Reserve: changes include revisions to the overall process, elimination of four-body review requirements, reduction in the overall process length and steps, and creation of a new option for a service area expansion for a significant community opportunity.
  3. Map changes: 10 sites were considered for Land Use and Area I, II, III map changes, and several map updates and corrections are proposed. Updates to the Trails Map to reflect current city and county plans are also proposed.

For more information about the 2010 Update to the BVCP, visit or contact Chris Meschuk at 303-441-4293 or .

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

MAY 24 City Council 6 p.m.--no option; be there

Many of you received a letter today from Sheila Horton, Executive Director--Boulder Area Rental Housing Association.

She is gathering people to appear at the City Council Meeting May 24 6 p.m. in opposition to the change in land use. She claims in the letter that owner-occupied property owners are few and misinformed about what will happen to the value of their land and that very few of us have ever shown up for meetings. NOW is the time to show up and be counted.

Following is response Mary Hey drafted answering objections from the Landmark Board. She does good work.

To: Planning Board and Boulder City Council

RE: Goss-Grove: proposed land use designation of MRX

Sent: May 7, 2011

Dear Members of Council and Planning Board,

We are writing to reiterate our support for changing Goss-Grove’s BVCP land use designation from HR to MRX. We spelled out our arguments in favor of that change in detail in the attached March 29, 2010, memo (“Goss-Grove Neighborhood Association Response to Proposed Zoning Changes in RH-2”), which you all received last year. Our reasoning for wanting MRX remains the same. This letter responds to objections expressed by opponents of the change.

First, we disagree that Goss-Grove is a place for increased density. Our neighborhood has been zoned high-density for over 40 years, and over that time density has increased dramatically. Vacant lots were filled, old houses were torn down to create multi-unit dwellings, back yards were in-filled, and properties were subdivided. Further densification would be achievable only through destruction of existing properties. It would put further pressure on scarce parking resources and the livability we treasure, and jeopardize the stability we now enjoy.

Additionally, during the past ten years, the University has been building housing to locate more students on-campus. The current focus for development is what CU is calling “North of Boulder Creek,” 23 to 28 developable acres between campus and Arapahoe that in part directly abuts Goss-Grove. Currently CU has 595 residential units there and proposes to more than double (and possibly quadruple) that number by 2030 (see “Affordable Housing Task Force Overview of University Housing in Boulder, 3/2/11,” attached). One can easily imagine what even the most modest scenario will do to the traffic on Arapahoe in this already congested part of town. A downzoned Goss-Grove can provide a small buffer between this massive development and the rest of downtown.

Lastly, and perhaps most important, MRX is simply the proper zoning designation for Goss-Grove. Planning staff’s 11/19/09 “Residential High-2 Zone District Report” (attached) says it well:

The BVCP indicates that the MRX land use designation is intended for older downtown neighborhoods that have a variety of housing types and densities. The intent of the RMX-1 zone district is to permit a variety of residential land uses that maintain their existing densities, while still allowing renovation or rehabilitation. Both of these district intents are consistent with the existing development pattern in the South of Canyon Boulevard neighborhood (p.49).

We can live with the current density. It would be hard to live with more.

Second, we disagree that rezoning to MRX will adversely affect landlords. Several landlords have come forward to support rezoning Goss Grove as beneficial to their property interests. Here’s why. A large number of detached single-family houses were purchased very cheaply in the 1970s and 1980s as investment properties, providing years of lucrative return. Now, however, when owners look to sell their fully depreciated properties, turning them over as rentals will be difficult. High housing prices in our centrally located neighborhood no longer favor selling them as investment properties. Downzoning the area will make the neighborhood more attractive generally and make those same properties easier to sell to families who wish remodel and to live in them.

Third, we disagree that landmarking individual houses serves the interests of the neighborhood or the city. The houses and lots in Goss-Grove are notably small (none is larger than 2,500 square feet, we believe, and many are closer to 1,000), because this is an old working class neighborhood. A main reason we live down here is because we love old houses and the character of the neighborhood, which we are intent on preserving. Landmarking might prevent further densification, but it would not allow the neighborhood to flourish.

Landmarking of a very small house is a major disincentive to a homebuyer, adding layers of restriction that can make remodeling difficult if not impossible. And many of the houses down here desperately need remodeling, not only to preserve them but to allow them to expand to meet the needs of contemporary families. Landmarking very small houses absolutely defeats our goal of inviting young families to lay down roots invent their own vibrant vision of life in Boulder.

The “BVCP 2010 Major Update: Site #9, Goss Grove Neighborhood” (attached) summarizes the policies relevant to changing our land use designation to MRX (p. 9) and clearly lays out the case for such a change. Some of us have been trying to save this neighborhood for decades, and we are grateful finally to be heard.

Goss-Grove Neighborhood Association (GGNA)