As promised, I have a list of things and work needed to make that mural happen at the intersection of 19th and Grove.
Here's the schedule: Start at 8 a.m. Sunday morning September 25 (next Sunday)
With good weather, Jan thinks the painting might be done in 4-6 hours. We have a permit to keep the street blocked until 10 p.m. That's to let the mural have plenty of time to dry because durability depends on drying time.
Jan will also be spray washing the street earlier in the week. She will be outlining the mural on Saturday. If you want to help with those things contact Jan janburch@me.com Otherwise plan to show up sometime Sunday to help.
We need
1. knee pads/garden pads (these might get paint on them)
2. Coolers for drinks and ice
3. quart-size containers to hold paint (these will likely get trashed)
4. old ripped up T-shirts or rags (also likely trashed at end of project)
5. Chalk for kid's project that we're sponsoring on the side (Roseanne--I hope you're reading this)
6. YOU stooping over to paint will be tiring so we need to spread that joy around.
7. Guards to stand at the barricade until 10 p.m. to keep people from walking on or driving over the mural while it dries--this is likely the least glamourous job but you can bring I-Pad or book to read and we'll try to limit this duty to 2 hours per person.
You can bring cooler, knee pads, etc to my house (2010 Goss 303 444 3475) all this week, if that's more convenient.
I NEED PEOPLE TO EMAIL ME WITH COMMITMENTS AS TO PAINTING GUARDING HELPING WITH THIS PROJECT. Naropa students will fill in. They need to know exactly when they are needed and should show up sooooooo it would be helpful if I knew when you all are going to come and help.
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