Welcome to our neighborhood blog! If you live here, you are lucky! We are students, professionals of all stripes, entrepreneurs, families, singles, gardeners, athletes, renters, home owners, young and old! We live next to the best parts of Boulder: McGuckin's, Farmers' Market, the Pearl Street Mall, CU, Naropa and more. We have our own community garden and two other pocket parks for lazing away a summers afternoon. Join the conversation @ gossgrove.nextdoor.com
Friday, April 22, 2011
Meet your neighbors! Loren Weinburg and Andrea Montoya
Pavement Mural Update

A more detailed description of the pavement mural project in Martin Acres is on their blog. http://s31ststreetart.blogspot.com/
Remember we talked about doing a similar project at 19th and Grove to mark the geographic center of Boulder which happens to be in our neighborhood.
Got ideas? Add them to the comments or call/email Jerrie Hurd 303 444 3475 jerrie@jerriehurd.com I will be meeting with the Martin Acres crew soon to get more info.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Want to Organize This????

This sounds like a fun idea. Maybe we could clean up the other pocket parks on that day. If so, we need someone to register and organize it.
Good morning neighborhood representatives, it’s high time to recruit your neighbors and friends, and friends of friends, in an effort to welcome spring and spiff up your neighborhood park, median and/or underpass during Boulder’s Ninth Annual Community Cleanup Day, Saturday, May 14, 2011!
Please register now and pass this email on to those you know who are ready to help. Join the Boulder City Improvement Association (BCIA2) and the City of Boulder in helping to beautify Boulder! You or your posse can help by joining us at one of our project locations or beautifying an area of your interest.
Please see the attached flyer (also in Spanish) for more information.
- To register, visit http://bit.ly/cPpb1i or call 303-413-7245. Once registered, you will receive a confirmation email by May 1 with complete instructions.
- For more information, visit the Community Cleanup Day Web site at http://bit.ly/bGYrfG.
We hope you can join us for this great opportunity to come together and do our part to keep this city beautiful! Oh and I almost forgot to mention, there’s an Ice Cream Social at Scott Carpenter Park (30th St. & Arapahoe) to reward you for your efforts. See you there!
Friday, April 15, 2011
MINUTES of April 2011 Meeting
Goss-Grove Neighborhood Association
Minutes of April 14, 2011 meeting
Six neighbors met at the home of co-chairs, Jerrie and Jon Hurd.
The minutes of the January meeting were approved.
Jerrie and Jon reported on the February meeting where Rich Points presented to the Naropa people and Martha Raskowski from the city’s GO-Boulder program the proposal to change the islands that currently block car traffic in the neighborhood to make it easier for bikers to go through. The proposal includes changing the traffic light on Arapahoe from the middle of the block to 21st Street, which is already used by Naropa students and neighbors.
Neighbors are concerned that these islands not be changed too much, allowing bikes to zoom by and giving up green spaces. We agree, however, that the bike crossing spots in the islands should be modified so that a bike with a cart in the back can pass through easier.
Upcoming meetings with the city regarding zoning will be posted on our blog.
Several people showed up for the weeding of the 20th Street park and the garden plots are starting.
An article appeared in the paper about the pavement mural in the Martin Acres neighborhood and that the city is considering applications for permits in other neighborhoods. Jerrie suggested, and everyone heartily agreed that this would be a fun project for Goss-Grove and enhance our image as a neighborhood. Since the current geographic center of Boulder is by the 19th Street pocket park, this would be an ideal place for a mural. Jerrie will follow up on this.
Jon went to the city meeting regarding Boulder’s updated flood zones map. Computer models are much more accurate than they were when the map was last drawn. Goss-Grove was not affected by the update.
Next meeting of GGNA is on Thursday, July 21st.
Respectfully submitted,
Maria Krenz, Secretary
Paint the Pavement

The geographic center of Boulder is 19th and Grove.
Boulder is going to allow pavement murals.
How do those facts fit together?????
It was discussed at the Quarterly Neighborhood Meeting and agreed that it would be fun to have some kind of stylized compass at that intersection--colorful and fun--to mark the fact that we are at the geological center of all things Boulder. We need input, design help, all kinds of interaction.
Check out the video of what was done in Martin Acres http://www.dailycamera.com/ci_17837459?IADID=Search-www.dailycamera.com-www.dailycamera.com
Then add a comment or call/email Jerrie Hurd with ideas
303 444 3475
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Good Gumbo Day
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Chairperson and Gardener tackles weeds like a champ
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Quarterly Meeting This Week!!!! THURSDAY 14th

Hey, hey, hey . . .
Hope you've been paying attention to the calendar in the sidebar because we have a quarterly meeting THIS WEEK!
Hurd House 2010 Goss with usual gumbo and goodies. Meeting starts 6 p.m. THURSDAY April 14.
We need to make signs for the free bike clinic on the 17th. It was great fun last fall. If you have materials for sign making that you'd be willing to donate or share for the session, bring them.
We also have updates on garden, re-zoning, the car-lite project and other things. It will definitely be worth your time and sign-painting-talent. Besides, it's fun to meet and catch-up with neighbors and news.