This sounds like a fun idea. Maybe we could clean up the other pocket parks on that day. If so, we need someone to register and organize it.
Good morning neighborhood representatives, it’s high time to recruit your neighbors and friends, and friends of friends, in an effort to welcome spring and spiff up your neighborhood park, median and/or underpass during Boulder’s Ninth Annual Community Cleanup Day, Saturday, May 14, 2011!
Please register now and pass this email on to those you know who are ready to help. Join the Boulder City Improvement Association (BCIA2) and the City of Boulder in helping to beautify Boulder! You or your posse can help by joining us at one of our project locations or beautifying an area of your interest.
Please see the attached flyer (also in Spanish) for more information.
- To register, visit http://bit.ly/cPpb1i or call 303-413-7245. Once registered, you will receive a confirmation email by May 1 with complete instructions.
- For more information, visit the Community Cleanup Day Web site at http://bit.ly/bGYrfG.
We hope you can join us for this great opportunity to come together and do our part to keep this city beautiful! Oh and I almost forgot to mention, there’s an Ice Cream Social at Scott Carpenter Park (30th St. & Arapahoe) to reward you for your efforts. See you there!
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