Saturday, January 12, 2013

Naropa Students looking to do Good Deeds! Let's give them some ideas!

We received the following notes from Amy L. Soehngen, Snow Lion Residence Hall Director -  what does our neighborhood need..we have ready hands!  Please email your suggestions to me
Here at Snow Lion we are welcoming students back from break and helping new students get settled. Many of our residents have expressed enthusiasm to be more involved neighbors and have the desire to do service in the community. As a result, Snow Lion is working with Career and Community Engagement office (who I cc’d on this email) at Naropa to offer a service project on Martin Luther King Jr. Day (January 21).
We were hoping to do the service project in the morning in the Goss-Grove neighborhood, before joining the City of Boulder march/rally in the afternoon. In the past I’ve heard that students have helped with doing the street mural, bike repairs, etc. Our students could also help neighbors with painting, yard work, etc. We think this could be a good way to serve our neighbors while learning more about them.
Do you have any project ideas or needs? We’d love to develop something that would be practical and beneficial, rather than pushing forward something that may not be useful. Please let me know your thoughts and feel free to ask me any questions that may have come up about this idea!
Thanks so much!

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