As you know, Goss/Grove is up for a rezoning and as a neighborhood organization we've forwarded a memo supporting City Planning Staff's recommendation that this area be down zoned. Those of you who made our last neighborhood meeting will remember the discussion we had with two members of the planning staff about that issue--Jessica Vaughn and Louise Grauer.
Related is the project called SODA (South of Downtown). It is also up for rezoning and the staff has recommended that it be down zoned. SODA is coming before City Council June 1.
Seems logical that we should support staff on both of these down-zoning recommendations as both have impact on our neighborhood, especially those of you who live near the 17th-15th Street end of Grove. It has come to my attention that there is opposition to down-zoning the SODA area, so I'd like to see us show up in good numbers to the June 1 meeting to speak in support of the staff recommendation and the fact that I think we generally feel that everything south of Canyon should be down zoned.
So this is the call to action. You need to put June 1, 6 p.m. at City Council Chambers, on your calendar and show up.
Jerrie Hurd
303 444 3475
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