Monday, February 16, 2015

Goss-Grove Neighborhood Meeting Minutes October 9, 2014

Goss-Grove Neighborhood Meeting Minutes
(You can also find these by signing up at, our neighborhood community electronic bulletin board.

October 9, 2014

The meeting was opened by co-chairs Jenny and Stephen at 7 PM.
      Elections—The following neighbors were elected for GGNA offices.
o     Jeffery P.—co-chair
o     Michele B.—co-chair
o     Rachael T.—treasurer
o     Deb C.—secretary
Thanks to Jenny and Stephen, co-chairs, Jerrie, treasurer, and Michele, secretary for their work in 2014.

      Meeting schedule—2015
o     January 14
o     April 15
o     July 15
o     October 14

      Review of neighborhood accomplishments
o     The kiosk or bulletin board was installed last week in the 19th street pocket park.  The structure was designed and built by neighbor Garrett.  Thanks to Carey Sager of the city transportation department for approval and helping with the installation.   Half of the posting space will be for the GGNA and half for public posts.  The GGNA will keep posting updated neighborhood information.
o     The second public art project was accomplished in September with the painting of the posts (bollards) at the street division at Grove and 21th.  Jan and Jerrie took the lead with this project.  Numerous neighbors came over the two days to help paint the posts with designs developed by Jan.  Jan also designed and organized the previous public art project, the compass rose on the street at Grove and 19th.  Plans are for other post painting projects.  Next should be the posts at the 19th street pocket park.  Thanks again to Carey Sager and other city of boulder departments for approval.
o     The little library was installed last year in the 20th street pocket park and has been a great feature of the neighborhood.  People are interested in the concept, borrow books, add books, and sit at the park and read selections from the little library.
o     The Garden at the 20th street pocket park was administered successfully by GGNA.  Co leader Jenny will step down for 2015. Co leader Michele is recruiting gardeners who would like to help administer and organize the garden for 2015.  Maintenance of the plots is planned for November after growing season comes to a close.
o     There are now 83 neighbors registered at the GGNA Next Door site.

      Flooding—Mary is on the city list serve for information and future planning as a result of the devastating flooding of September 2013.  Many homes in the Goss Grove neighborhood sustained flood damage.  The GGNA continues to provide input to the city and other interested officials regarding the flooding pattern in Goss Grove.

      LONA—Stephen updated news about the League of Neighborhoods Associations,  This is an effort to unite the neighborhood organizations in Boulder.  Primary goal of this group is to have input into development projects.  Maria and Stephen will continue to keep GGNA informed about this group.

      City of Boulder—The Neighborhood liaison position in the city managers office has been reinstated, according to the city.  It is hoped that this position will improve communication between GGNA and the city government as it did before budget constraints eliminated the position.
o     The no smoking ordinance was expanded by City Council to include the additional area bounded by 17th on the east, University on the south, Broadway on the west and Arapahoe on the north.  Further expansion of the no smoking area is under discussion.
o     Concerns about hostile behavior of homeless people along Boulder Creek and disturbances in Goss Grove were discussed.

Respectfully submitted, Michele B., secretary

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