Goss Grove
Neighborhood Meeting 1/14/2015 at 1919
Grove St.
Number of attendees: 17
thanks to Jerrie/Jon and Jenny/Stephen for their two years as leaders of our
Treasurer's Report:
a. Funds as of today $1,147.84
b. Reimbursements since last meeting: $243.20 to
Garret for our awesome bulletin board
c. Funds collected since the last meeting: $170
for Garden fees
d. Expected funds from rental of garden plots :
$840 (total $1987.84)
2. Postings
on Next Door: from this
point forward all pertinent info will be posted on Next Door, including these
minutes (look for menu on left side).
Michelle: New contract has been drafted and
will be distributed by end of January
Deadline for renewals is Feb 16 and to be
submitted to Rachael (info will be in garden agreement)
New openings will be posted on Next Door
Jenny will step down and Michele, Terill, Rachael
will be the new committee
e. There was no
compost last year and the team is still problem-solving whether to pay for a
garden compost or use a different strategy
4. Possible
grant money for GGNA projects: Jerry
a. We can’t get a grant if we’re not a 501C3
organization: right now we can’t receive $$ from the city either for this
reason: Michele and Jerry will investigate 50C3 application
b. Michele received info from the Awesome
Foundation with regards to grant opportunities through them ($1000) WE ARE an AWESOME neighborhood so there’s
plenty of GGNA projects that we think would be attractive to the grantors.
c. Jerry would love to see post painting project
completed and the street mural needs to be done next summer.
5. Boulder
Livability Forum (Stephen)
is trying to control high-density issues in Boulder (such as traffic, increased
service providers) and limits on building heights
a. Stephen is on the forum w/some x-city
b. They are working on a petition to set limits on
growth (to put on a ballot) and strengthen the review process
Flood update:
a. Our slough is part of the Boulder Creek master
plan which is almost complete (could be updated in May w/plans for mitigation)
b. WRAB- Water Research Advisory Board has
meetings with regards to flood mitigation.
Diane and Susan are attending meetings and will give us a heads up when
they need neighborhood member support. Meetings
are the 3rd Monday of the month.
7. What are the goals to be pursued by GGNA in
Neighborhood presence in the potential
“development” of the “civic center”.
What are GGNA residents' concerns?
a. Snow Removal has been bad. If you’re frustrated please call and report
(can’t submit on line). The rule is 24
hours after the snowfall sidewalks must be clear.
b. Trash on 18th street: suggested
strategy is to contact property manager to comply w/ordinance (Mary Hey is the
go to person on this)
special interest:
Make a pledge not to use pesticides! Go to the bee safe website at
News: Deb handed out
recycling guides and answered common recycling questions. She will send out a
message to all neighbors when she goes the CHARM center and people can put things
on her porch for her to take. She is the
block leader for the hood and always available via Next Door for recycle
Meeting is Wednesday April 15th- see you then!
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