Friday, April 22, 2011

Meet your neighbors! Loren Weinburg and Andrea Montoya

 Loren and Andrea have lived in Goss-Grove for 36 years.

Loren bought the house at 1616 18th Street in 1975 when he came to Boulder as an assistant professor of political science at the University of Colorado.  He remembers a neighborhood of small single-family homes (his was built in 1900), apple and peach orchards, and an unpaved Grove Street.  There was only one house per lot where now there are two and there were only a few small apartment houses on Canyon Boulevard, which was just a regular street then. People’s backyards were full of fruit trees. In the 80s developers discovered the lucrative potential in the neighborhood, and all that changed.

Loren met the love of his life, Andrea Montoya, at the university.  They soon married and raised two beautiful daughters in our neighborhood.

Loren grew up in the Washington, DC area, which was then a segregated and very southern place. In 1960, inspired by the sit-ins in Greensborough, North Carolina, the students at Howard University decided to picket the nearby amusement park, demanding it be integrated.  Loren, 17 and still in high school, was inspired to join them. He spent the three months of his summer picketing until finally the park was integrated.  Having achieved that goal, the students, including Loren, picketed the neighboring movie theater. That took just a few weeks to integrate.  Thus started Loren’s life-long activism in civil rights and the peace movement, including the closing of Rocky Flats, and his endeavor to inspire many generations of students. Although now retired, when not walking and contemplating, Loren still reads a lot and can’t stop being interested in politics.

Andrea grew up in a large family in an impoverished Hispanic neighborhood in Denver. Her older brother was the first one in the family to finish high school, and Andrea followed his example and then came to CU.  She became an activist in her own right doing gorilla theater in high school and bringing movement and art to the streets.  Her life-long interest in the body, and in integrating body, mind, and soul, led her to become a dancer with Cleo Parker Robinson and work in dance therapy.

She discovered her love for science when she breastfed her first baby. Eventually she enrolled in a three-year Physician’s Assistant program at the CU Medical School. Andrea now works at the Community Hospital Cancer Center.

Their daughters were always the center of Loren and Andrea’s lives, and now they delight in their two granddaughters, who live in Centennial.  They enjoy that from Goss-Grove they can walk just about anywhere, and Andrea bicycles or takes the bus to the hospital’s Foothills Campus. 

Their hope for the neighborhood is that more young families will move in, that owner-occupied homes will increase to make it a real neighborhood.  They are against age-ghettos, be it of 20-year-old or of old people. A true neighborhood needs to be balanced.

Pavement Mural Update

A more detailed description of the pavement mural project in Martin Acres is on their blog.
Remember we talked about doing a similar project at 19th and Grove to mark the geographic center of Boulder which happens to be in our neighborhood.
Got ideas? Add them to the comments or call/email Jerrie Hurd 303 444 3475 I will be meeting with the Martin Acres crew soon to get more info.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Want to Organize This????

This sounds like a fun idea. Maybe we could clean up the other pocket parks on that day. If so, we need someone to register and organize it.

Good morning neighborhood representatives, it’s high time to recruit your neighbors and friends, and friends of friends, in an effort to welcome spring and spiff up your neighborhood park, median and/or underpass during Boulder’s Ninth Annual Community Cleanup Day, Saturday, May 14, 2011!

Please register now and pass this email on to those you know who are ready to help. Join the Boulder City Improvement Association (BCIA2) and the City of Boulder in helping to beautify Boulder! You or your posse can help by joining us at one of our project locations or beautifying an area of your interest.

Please see the attached flyer (also in Spanish) for more information.

We hope you can join us for this great opportunity to come together and do our part to keep this city beautiful! Oh and I almost forgot to mention, there’s an Ice Cream Social at Scott Carpenter Park (30th St. & Arapahoe) to reward you for your efforts. See you there!

Friday, April 15, 2011

MINUTES of April 2011 Meeting

Goss-Grove Neighborhood Association

Minutes of April 14, 2011 meeting

Six neighbors met at the home of co-chairs, Jerrie and Jon Hurd.

The minutes of the January meeting were approved.

Jerrie and Jon reported on the February meeting where Rich Points presented to the Naropa people and Martha Raskowski from the city’s GO-Boulder program the proposal to change the islands that currently block car traffic in the neighborhood to make it easier for bikers to go through. The proposal includes changing the traffic light on Arapahoe from the middle of the block to 21st Street, which is already used by Naropa students and neighbors.

Neighbors are concerned that these islands not be changed too much, allowing bikes to zoom by and giving up green spaces. We agree, however, that the bike crossing spots in the islands should be modified so that a bike with a cart in the back can pass through easier.

Upcoming meetings with the city regarding zoning will be posted on our blog.

Several people showed up for the weeding of the 20th Street park and the garden plots are starting.

An article appeared in the paper about the pavement mural in the Martin Acres neighborhood and that the city is considering applications for permits in other neighborhoods. Jerrie suggested, and everyone heartily agreed that this would be a fun project for Goss-Grove and enhance our image as a neighborhood. Since the current geographic center of Boulder is by the 19th Street pocket park, this would be an ideal place for a mural. Jerrie will follow up on this.

Jon went to the city meeting regarding Boulder’s updated flood zones map. Computer models are much more accurate than they were when the map was last drawn. Goss-Grove was not affected by the update.

Next meeting of GGNA is on Thursday, July 21st.

Respectfully submitted,

Maria Krenz, Secretary

Paint the Pavement

The geographic center of Boulder is 19th and Grove.
Boulder is going to allow pavement murals.
How do those facts fit together?????

It was discussed at the Quarterly Neighborhood Meeting and agreed that it would be fun to have some kind of stylized compass at that intersection--colorful and fun--to mark the fact that we are at the geological center of all things Boulder. We need input, design help, all kinds of interaction.

Check out the video of what was done in Martin Acres

Then add a comment or call/email Jerrie Hurd with ideas
303 444 3475

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Good Gumbo Day

Perfect day for gumbo and meeting the neighbors. See you all at the Quarterly Meeting TODAY at 6p.m. at the Hurd House 2010 Goss. We have signs to paint for the Free Bike Clinic Sunday and food to eat and other things to discuss. Lots going on in the neighborhood!!!!!!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Chairperson and Gardener tackles weeds like a champ

Jerrie and Jon, Mindy and I showed up to do the first Community Garden and Clean-up of the season.  Have you noticed the flowers coming up, budding leaves on our lilac bushes?  Soon to come, wildflowers in the circular bed near the tree this season.  Water should be on soon (if not already).  After everyone else has left, Jerrie goes to the back area and valiantly takes out the weeds there.  Thanks to each of you who showed up.  We can't do it without you.  Next weeding and beautification is Wednesday, May 4th, 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. 

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Quarterly Meeting This Week!!!! THURSDAY 14th

Hey, hey, hey . . .
Hope you've been paying attention to the calendar in the sidebar because we have a quarterly meeting THIS WEEK!

Hurd House 2010 Goss with usual gumbo and goodies. Meeting starts 6 p.m. THURSDAY April 14.

We need to make signs for the free bike clinic on the 17th. It was great fun last fall. If you have materials for sign making that you'd be willing to donate or share for the session, bring them.
We also have updates on garden, re-zoning, the car-lite project and other things. It will definitely be worth your time and sign-painting-talent. Besides, it's fun to meet and catch-up with neighbors and news.