Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Community ; )

Fifteen of us made our neighborhood beautiful...and Ryan came later, so make that 16!  Thanks to all who took the time. I had fun and the Garden/Park looks so beautiful!

Monday, July 29, 2013

Little Free Library Open for Business!

The Little Free Library has been installed in the Community Garden!  By the time I got home from work, someone had already put in a few children's books.  I added five more books.  Add your own books that someone else would enjoy.  I'm sure many in this neighborhood do quality reading!  ; )
Many thanks to Chris Shutze who volunteered his time to design and build such a wonderful addition to our neighborhood.  We will soon have a little wooden plaque recognizing his artistic endeavor!

Monday, July 22, 2013

Neighborhood Meeting Notes from July 15...check out what's going on in Goss-Grove!

The Little Free Library has been painted at Jenny and Stephen's and is headed back by wagon to Chris and Margaret's for the stand to be attached.  Once that is done, it will be installed into the Garden...soon!

Goss-Grove Neighborhood Meeting
July 15, 2013

The meeting was opened by co-chair Stephen at 7 P.M.  There were 16 people in attendance. Refreshments were served.

 The neighborhood garden is going well.  Plans are being made for maintenance of the raised beds.  Signs also need to be made and posted.

 The “Little Library” is completed and will be installed soon in the 20th  street pocket park.  The expenses for the construction and registration were approved.

A permit has been approved for the demolition of a property on Goss.  This location will be the site of a new single family home.

 Repainting of the compass rose on Grove at 19th has been tentatively scheduled for the weekend of September 21/22.  Jan and Jay have left over paint and will participate.  Jan was the artist who designed the compass rose and she and Jay lead the original event.  A budget for the re-painting was approved.  Donations will also be necessary.

The renaming of Canyon Park to honor Emma Martinez, a longtime resident, passed the Park and Recreation Board and will go to City Council in the next few months.

 The proposed coffee shop at Arapahoe and 19th has been reworked to be smaller and include more parking to address neighbors concerns.  The proposal will go to Planning Board this fall.

 Many neighbors have signed up for Next Door where neighbors can communicate with each other and learn what’s happening in Goss Grove.  Please sign up at https://gossgrove.nextdoor.com

 Andrea Montoya will be putting together a newsletter this fall for distribution.

Arapahoe Avenue construction continues. 

 The treasurer reported income and expenses so far this year.  A motion was made, discussed, and passed to require a vote at a regular or special meeting for expenditures over $100.00.  Other expenditures will continue to be approved by the four officers.

Respectfully submitted by Michele Bishop

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Civic Area Open House July 11..if anyone can go, give us a report!

Welcome to Boulder Civic Area – a visionary "community driven" project to rethink and evolve the downtown's most expansive public space. 

 In addition to city-owned properties at the core, the planning area is bounded by 9th to 17th streets and Canyon Boulevard to Arapahoe Avenue. 

The goal of the project is to transform this area into Boulder's social, civic, and environmental heart; one that prioritizes purpose per square foot over price per square foot.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Agenda for Neighborhood Meeting, Monday, July 15th, 7 p.m., 1919 Grove St

Come join us for our next neighborhood meeting Monday, July 15th, at 7 p.m.  The address is 1919 Grove St (Mary and Maria have graciously offered to host us again).  Plan on having a glass of wine, some chocolate at least, or bring along something yummy if you would like.  We have had some great energy and it's been wonderful to have more people involved in the neighborhood goings-on.


Neighborhood Garden Update (Michele/Chris D.about stone work?)
Little Free Library (Stephen/Chris S.)
Demolition Permit on Goss Street (Mark)
Compass Rose (Alycia, any update?)
Renaming of Canyon Park  (Loren)
Coffee Shop (Stephen)
Social Media -  NextDoor.com (Jamie)
Good neighbor brochure  (Loren)
Arapahoe construction  (any comments we want to feed back to City?)
Renovation of Goss-Grove sign for Garden (Stephen...will bring what needs to be done...)
Treasurers report (Jerrie)
Approval of funds for Little Free Library, and general discussion of how funds can be dispensed without waiting for neighborhood meetings. (Stephen)
Other projects/other topics/funding requests?  (Kiosk would be next on Jenny's list but only pending discussion of funds available and approval)

First picture of our own Little Free Library

Thanks to Chris Schutze for his design and build of the Little Free Library.  Jenny and Stephen arranged for it to be painted by the professionals who were painting their house.  That's Jenny in the picture with Ron and Reid Ferrari, the painters.  Jenny sent off for the official plaque from www.littlefreelibrary.org and has registered our library.  Although there are other Little Free Libraries in Boulder, ours will be only the second one to be registered according to the site map.  Once the plaque has arrived and is mounted, we'll put the Little Free Library up in the Community Garden.