Monday, July 28, 2014

Minutes from Last Neighborhood Gathering

Goss-Grove Neighborhood Meeting
July 16, 2014

The meeting was opened by co-chair Jenny at 7 PM.  Wine and chocolate were offered, as usual. The meeting was hosted by Jenny and Stephen and their puppy, Bella.  A toddler also attended!  ;  )   If you missed the meeting, we  hope you will join us next time!

Seventeen neighbors were present.

§  Bulletin board project—Garrett will build a bulletin board from metal and antique pieces that Jenny has donated.  It was decided to place it in the 19th Street pocket park facing the compass rose at that intersection.  Funding for materials was voted on and approved. 
§  Flooding—Diane and Michele reported on city meetings they have attended about updates of the flood plain maps and flood mitigation plans as a result of the September floods.  Action includes attending the WRAB (Water Resources Advisory   Board) meetings starting, July 21, to present individual stories of flood impact.  It is hoped that at each future meeting of this board one or more neighbors will tell the story of their experience. GGNA will reach out to surrounding businesses to combine efforts to convey flood impacts to city officials.  Diane and Jeffery will lead this effort.
§  Crime—Officer Keith Steinman told of continuing bicycle theft problems, the shift into our neighborhood of transients from other congregating locations, and arrests in a major LSD drug dealing ring at the Snow Lion Naropa dormitory.
§  Neighborhood garden—Jenny will be stepping down as co-garden leader at the end of the season.  Michele will continue.
§  Public art projects—The latest public art project is in the planning stages.  Jan, our neighbor who designed the compass rose, is creating designs to paint on the bollards (posts) at each traffic diversions and pocket park in the neighborhood.  These include robots, bugs, geometrics, tracks, and a welcome sign for the posts facing the compass rose.  Jan, Jerri, and Michele have been coordinating with the city about this project.  First painting will be the weekend of September 6 and 7.  Designs will be ready to be filled in with paint, similar to the process with the compass rose.  Paint and supplies will be provided. Please come and paint and meet your neighbors. 
§  New business—Maria and Stephen attended the kickoff meeting of the League of Neighborhoods Associations,  This is an effort to unite the neighborhood organizations in Boulder.
Another suggestion to improve communication between neighborhoods and the city is to restore the Neighborhood liaison position in the city managers office.  This person was responsible for communication between the city and the neighborhood organizations. The position was eliminated several years ago due to budget constraints.

Respectfully submitted by Michele Bishop