Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Graffiti 101 For Reporting It!

Sent: Monday, May 03, 2010 7:26 AM
Subject: RE: graffiti 2045 Grove

Good morning Doug.

Sooo I think you have all the right numbers but maybe just a little confused on how it works. The FASTEST way to report graffiti is the hotline 303-413-7177. That comes directly to our office and because multiple people field those calls, we are not dependant on just one person - who may be away from their desk for vacation or something and won't see the email for 2 weeks.

The city's web site works well too, however, all the info has to be forwarded on to us. And when you are forwarding - say maybe 15 -20 reports - just human error can happen on either end.

Jeanne Gilbert works for PD - and PD is a good place to go to get documentation for police records and their graffiti enforcement/reimbursement if they catch the tagger - but they then have to forward the call to us or put it on the web site as well for the appropriate letters to be sent out to the property owner.

I think if it were me - I would call PD and ask them to document it for their cases and then I would also call the hotline myself and report it there. That way you are double covered and you get the information right to us.

So let me know if you need anything or I can clear anything up for you. Thanks for being pro-active and helping to keep the city clean.


Admin. Speclst

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