Tuesday, May 24, 2011

I'd rather be eating cookies than be at the Council meeting, but I will be there

I'd rather sit by the fire eating cookies and drinking hot toddies,
or curl up in my chaise or pour pesto over hot pasta to accompany my wine.
I'd maybe rather be cleaning the bathroom than stepping out in the rain
to walk past that once-lovely house with the double wide upended trailer
pasted on its back end, but alas! I must!
Aah, the absentee landlords which send out mass mailings to us fortelling
our misfortune should we fight for the neighborhood that we love.
I'll rouse myself, put on my oilskins and boots, and face the Council
to stand tall with those who care enough to appear.
I hope you are one of them.


LLB said...

Please add an RSS feed to this blog! Thanks, Grove St resident.

LLB said...

Nevermind, I found it. :) Sorry!