Friday, September 23, 2011

Mural Project in Jeopardy---HELP!!!!

Here's the deal. The city is requiring FOUR barricades. They are also requiring that we have someone positioned at those barricades every minute from 8 a.m. until 10 p.m. The moment we don't have one of those barricades covered with someone, we are shut down!!!!
I have one person who has volunteered for two shifts of 2 hours. I have one other person coming at 1 p.m. who will stand a barricade IF there's no painting to do. We can't operate like that.
Here's my email:
Home phone: 303 444 3475
Mobile phone 303 898 1435
By tomorrow evening, if I don't have most of the hours on those barricades covered, we're going to have modify or abandon the project. We don't have a choice here. So I need people to soldier-up on this one.
No one except Jan (the artist) is excused from barricade duty.
The city is sending press, an ice cream truck, a food van. We have the paint. My husband, Jon, went to Denver this morning to get the barricades (that's going to require two trips in Diane's pickup) So we're ready to roll. It would be a shame to lose the project because we can't get anyone to stand the barricades. Right????

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