Saturday, September 14, 2013

Flooding aftermath, survey and determining who needs help

(Muddy helpers in front of items pulled from basement..Diane, Sean, Derek and Blair)
Hello Neighbors,
It's been a difficult period for many in the neighborhood.  Thankfully, many escaped with no damage; others have had more extensive damage.
Stephen and I would like to reach out to those who might need additional help and help gather resources for those who need it.  We don't have a good view into how many have been affected, and in what ways.  If you can let us know how you were affected, or not, and if you know of others in the neighborhood who have been affected, or need help, this would be useful.
Dave Secunda, one of the neighbors, also would like to help coordinate any assistance needed. This is what neighborhood is about. We are fortunate to have each other.  We are concerned about those who may not feel that there is any help or feel isolated. 
It would also be useful to the city to know where the worst pockets of flooding were. WE know that the irrigation ditch at 19th was the source of one surge.  This could be useful information to the city to determine where the "weak links" are for improved flood planning. 
WE have an extra larger pump and small pump if anyone needs additional pumping capacity, although the larger pump needs a large hose, (1.5") which we do not have. 
We personally had water within about 6" of our main floor and we have lost our boiler and essentially everything that was in the basement. WE thought we were ok because we had seepage that we were keeping up with, until a storm surge burst our foundation and a brown river started pouring into our basement from the rear.  We'll be without hot water or heat for the next 3 - 4 weeks, our basement is full of mud and we have the contents of our basement in our backyard, thanks to the assistance of our neighbors who formed a human line to pass items floating in water out into the yard.. (many thanks to Blair, Derek, Sean, Diane and Chris for helping us!)
I will be sorting through the huge pile in our backyard for what is salvagable and what is not.  If you want to come help out for a bit, that would be great.  We live at 1935 Grove St.  I'm planning to tackle that pile at 11 a.m. (tomorrow, Sunday) after trying to restore some sense of normalcy in the main house starting around 10 ( mostly moving stuff from the upstairs back down to the main floor), mopping and vacuuming. You can contact me at if you want to help out, send moral support or just come on by!)  Stephen and I feel very fortunate to live here amongst such great people!
Jenny and Stephen

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