Thursday, February 19, 2015

Painting the Posts - Artistic endeavors in Goss-Grove!


After painting the street mandala at the very center of Boulder (according to Google Maps), we took the same colors and transformed the black and rusty posts between Grove St and Grove Circle (at 21st) into whimsical works of art.  We have been steadily spreading artistic expression in Goss-Grove, from the mandala to the metal bulletin board at the 19th Street pocket park, to the Little Free Library in our community garden.  And don't forget the stone benches and sculpture, and the 20' high spinning dragonfly smack in the middle of the garden plots.  Thanks to all the artists who have participated in these projects:  Jan Burch (mandala and posts), Chris Schutze (library) and Garrett Aulabaugh (neighborhood bulletin board), and all those who wrote grants, volunteered time and effort and made this all happen!

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