Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Go Boulder Wants US!!!!!

Need another reason to come to the meeting tomorrow?
Check out what Rich Points wants to talk about and Go Boulder's interest in us!!!

Hi Jerrie,
So I'm going to try to make it to your meeting tomorrow. I met some folks from GO Boulder today to talk about the campaign and see how they could support our Goss Grove efforts. They are very supportive and want to look for opportunities for innovation. Go Boulder would like to have your feedback by February so they can allocate 2011 resources towards it.

What they need from the neighborhood is input. I guess there are two ways we could go forward. 1) would be to have me bring a map to tomorrows meeting and I could give a quick overview of what we've talked about in our brainstorming sessions. From there we'd solicit your feedback; ideas, critiques and so on. I could see this taking up a big chunk of your meeting time. 2) Another option would be to form a committee or we could call a special meeting of the neighborhood association to go over the nuts and bolts of this.

I prefer the later but I'm willing to do what it takes to keep this moving.

Please let me know asap and I'll plan accordingly.

I've CC'd Graham and Karen from Carshare here.

Ride On!

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